Monday, April 27, 2009
Baby Shower
The night before we left home two fabulous ladies (Julie Zirker & Karen Garner) from my home ward threw me a baby shower. We played a really cute game that I was terrible at and had lots of delicious treats. I debated for a long time which cute baby gifts I should put on my blog, because although there were soo many that I loved, there was just no way I could have a picture of all of them. So, just to try to be fair somehow I decided I would just go with the tiny adorable shoes I can't get over and the presents from my mom and Drew's mom. Thank you so much everyone that came and everyone that was so generous to help us start getting together all the babies things we need!!
I LOVE tiny baby shoes! They just kill me. I should have put something next to these so you could see the scale. They are all just a little bigger than the palm of my hand.
These are the things my mom got me. I realized later that I mixed up the pink sweater my mom actually gave me that has brown trim with this one, but they were both so cute, and I have given my mom credit for an extra pair of shoes...lucky! :) (Notice the ruffles on the bum of the green outfit. Totally necessary!!)
Drew's mom made both of these amazing blankets. I knew before the shower about the top blanket, but was totally shocked at the shower to find out she had been sneaking around behind my back making the bottom quilt when I wasn't around. It was such a great surprise! I love it. While the quilt is still packed safely in a box, I have left the blanket out and it floats around my apartment reminding me how much I can't wait to wrap my tiny bundle in it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Drew the Graduate!
I have been thinking I had nothing new to post until I looked at my camera and found pictures of Drew's graduation. What was I thinking!? I am such a slacker. On the way to Philadelphia we stopped in Rexburg for Drew to walk for graduation, and let me tell you, he was an excellent walker! For the big ceremony his parents and I were sitting up in the bleachers, and considering there were 1500 graduates we were worried we wouldn't be able to find him in the crowd. We were so wrong! He ended up walking in very last and sitting right in front of us, which for some reason we thought was very funny. He graduated in Computer Information Technology. I am so proud of him for graduating and for having the gusto (is that a real word?) to keep going.
24 Weeks
Because Drew and I seem to really struggle with these belly pictures I've been putting this off for a while. After we took the pictures and I saw them I wondered if I ever wanted to do this again! I actually have enjoyed watching my belly grow, but I'm not really sure I like to take pictures of it. I am between 24 and 25 weeks now. She kicks all the time and seems to enjoy resting on and kicking my bladder. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable. It's very strange not to be able to roll over in bed with ease. If I am laying down and flex my abs I can see a shape form. I couldn't tell you what the shape is, but I can see something. It's my new favorite thing. The only other development I can think of are the spots on my hand. About a week ago a big cluster of freckles appeared on my right hand. They look a little like age spots I think. Is 23 old enough to have age spots?! I don't know if it could possibly have something to do with pregnancy or what, but I kind of wish they would go away.
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