Things we want to remember about Darcy's first month:
- 10 lbs. 15 oz.! 22 inches. Not having any trouble eating or packing on the pounds.
- We have to scrub the creases of her neck rolls because spit-up sits in them and it stinks.
- Grown out of some of her newborn clothes.
- Car rides always put her to sleep.
- We have had some rough crying episodes because of gas, especially at night. Week 3 was pretty hard because of it. Mylicon drops are our new best friend.
- Blonde is starting to show up at her the roots of her hair.
- People stop us in the stores to tell us how beautiful she is. The cheeks and hair are a big hit. We love it.
- She looks almost exactly like pictures of her mom as a baby.
- She is a noisy eater!
- Follows us around the room with her eyes, holds her head up quite a bit, and smiles on accident.
Not really much going on, just some cute baby noises.