Things we want to remember about Darcy's fifth month:
- 18 lbs. 8 oz. Things are definitely slowing down. 26 1/2 inches long.
- She still does not sleep through the night and at the moment there is absolutely no consistency in her sleep pattern. We have had lots of people suggest the book Babywise so when we get back to Pittsburgh we will be trying that. I am really praying that it works.
- This month she has been mastering her hand control. I have loved watching her get the hang of grabbing for things and it helps to entertain her.
- She seems to really love the color blue. When she sees blue or anything else she wants to touch she kicks her legs and waves her hands and then I take her close and she grabs for it. It is so exciting to watch her figure these things out.
- She is consistently rolling from her back to her belly. She doesn't roll the other way though and she gets frustrated when she's been on her belly for too long.
- She is drooling like crazy and chewing on everything. We are guessing she might be teething but haven't seen any teeth at this point.
- She had rice cereal for the first time a few days before her 5 month mark and loved it!
She is so cute. I miss you guys. Good luck on the sleeping thing, it took Bens pretty much his first whole year to finally sleep through the sucks I know!
Lindsey...I'm sorry things have been so hard sleep wise for you and Darcy. That is so rough when you aren't getting enough sleep. It is very easy to go crazy without sleep. I also suggest reading Baby Wise. It helped me a lot. And really....the crying it out thing works. Just let her cry and check on her every 10 minutes or so and make sure she is ok, and then keep letting her cry. The Baby Wise book will explain how to do it too. It is so difficult at first, but if you know that everything is taken care of (ie, she isn't hungry, wet, or in pain), then it is ok to let her cry. Eventually, after crying herself to sleep a few times, it should take less and less time for her to fall asleep. Sometimes as they grow and go thru different stages, they will revert back to crying again, but it is ok and they get over it soon. You just have to do it for your own health and sanity. Good luck with it. I really hope the Baby Wise book helps you too!
Hey Lindsey, I remember reading a couple of months back when you said that you read "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" and you said that book saved your life and you would recommend it to everyone. I am reading it now and was wondering if it worked for you? I am planning on using the things that I learn in this book for my daughter and now I don't know if it will work or not. What is your advice?
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