Drew got to go wakeboarding while he was home which he was really excited about, but he ended up hurting his knee and now he can hardly walk. So that's not so exciting.
I am the second counselor in the Young Women program in our ward. I gave a talk in church on Sunday about virtue which is the new value in the Young Women Theme. I was so nervous about it as usual, but it ended up going really well and I am so grateful for that. After reading all about virtue because of this talk I can't stop thinking about how important it is to teach our children to live virtuous lives and what a major difference that can make in the world.
A couple Darcy updates:
- Where we live there are tons of cobblestone roads everywhere. Darcy has learned if she says "ahhhhhh" while we drive on these bumpy roads her voice will shake and she loves it so she does it over and over for the whole ride. Basically every week Darcy falls asleep on the way home from church. Last week she was making her "ahhh" noise on the way home from church. At one point I was really surprised she hadn't fallen asleep yet so I looked back at her. It turns out she actually was asleep she was just still making her "ahhh" noise. Drew and I couldn't stop laughing about it.
- She snuggles with her teddy bear who we named Wayne.
- She loves shoes. She always goes and gets our shoes and her shoes and brings them to us. If we don't put them on it makes her mad. The other day she took Drew my bright pink crocs for him to put on. She finally squealed enough he gave in and put them on. It looked so funny!
- She just figured out how to go backwards down the stairs.
- Yesterday she went and grabbed the feather duster and started dusting the TV. I don't know if I should be happy that she has taken the initiative to do chores herself, or sad because she felt like the TV was so dusty she just had to do something about it. :)
Here are a couple random pictures from this week.
Love the hoodie!!! I hope Drew gets the job, that sounds so ideal!
She is so cute. That would be awesome if Drew got the job in Tri-Cities, I am totally rooting for you guys.
Darcy is so adorable!
Here's crossing our fingers for Drew, too...
I love Frou Frou, and was so excited you had let go on your blog :) Best song ever.
Dallin and I ran into Neil at the Ellensburg fair last weekend and he told us that Drew was coming to interview at PNNL! We were so excited for him. We hope he gets the job so you guys are close to home! And holy cow, Darcy is so stinkin cute. She looks like she would entertain me for hours. :) We're crossing our fingers for you about the job. Keep us posted!
Darcy is such a beautiful little girl! I love her bright blonde hair! She seems like she is quite the character. I love the pictures of her in her bathing suit. Aren't little girl bathing suits the cutest? When are you guys coming back to visit? We can't wait to see you! We will keep you in our prayers because we want Drew to get that job too! It would be so nice to have you close!
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