Thursday, July 14, 2011

36 Weeks

I thought from the beginning they said my due date was August 11 but the past few appointments they have been saying I'm due the 10th. So I'm either 36 weeks or 36 weeks and 1 day. Who knows?

My upper back really started hurting me a couple weekends ago and hasn't stopped. I think I have decided that my belly dropped, so that might have something to do with it. They offered to write a prescription for massage at my last Dr.'s appointment and for some reason I said no. If the offer still stands at my appointment tomorrow I think I'll go for it.

Other than a little back pain now and then and having a hard time moving I really am doing well. The weirdest thing I have going on is "the mask of pregnancy". Has anyone else heard of that? I hadn't heard of it until I asked the Dr. what in the world was going on with my face when I was pregnant with Darcy. I have to say I think it is the weirdest pregnancy symptom ever. I mostly have a really blotchy tan all over my face and over the last month or two I have developed a brown line right above my upper lip. It looks like I am trying to bring back the lip liner trend from the 90's. I went and bought some lipstick the other day, which I don't normally wear, to try and improve the situation a little. :) Seriously, weirdest symptom!!

Everyone always comments on here that I look so tiny which actually makes me feel awesome (even though I don't really have anything to do with it, I think it is just genetics). But I really think these pictures are deceiving. I really am pretty particular about the angle Drew takes the pictures from. If you saw me in real life you wouldn't think I was that small. Just so you know. :)

I also think I am bigger this time around. At this point when I was pregnant with Darcy I would tell people how far along I was and they would be surprised and tell me I was small. This time people are saying things like "Wow when are you due?" with inflection hinting that it has to be soon.

My lip liner. Hmm...this picture makes it look like I have it on the bottom too which I hadn't noticed before. Craziness.


Kristen and Alex said...

You look great! I love your belly! I can't believe you only have 4 weeks left! So exciting! And if you aren't as small this time...that is normal just because it is your second time around and generally speaking....boys are bigger. But I think you do look small still for 36 weeks. Definitely get a massage! They are wonderful when you are a month away from giving birth.

Chelsea said...

I am so excited for you, just a few weeks away!! Those pics of Darcy in your more recent post are adorable. I can't believe how blonde she is! And where did you get that dress of hers?? Probably one of the cutest I have ever seen!