My upper back really started hurting me a couple weekends ago and hasn't stopped. I think I have decided that my belly dropped, so that might have something to do with it. They offered to write a prescription for massage at my last Dr.'s appointment and for some reason I said no. If the offer still stands at my appointment tomorrow I think I'll go for it.
Other than a little back pain now and then and having a hard time moving I really am doing well. The weirdest thing I have going on is "the mask of pregnancy". Has anyone else heard of that? I hadn't heard of it until I asked the Dr. what in the world was going on with my face when I was pregnant with Darcy. I have to say I think it is the weirdest pregnancy symptom ever. I mostly have a really blotchy tan all over my face and over the last month or two I have developed a brown line right above my upper lip. It looks like I am trying to bring back the lip liner trend from the 90's. I went and bought some lipstick the other day, which I don't normally wear, to try and improve the situation a little. :) Seriously, weirdest symptom!!
I also think I am bigger this time around. At this point when I was pregnant with Darcy I would tell people how far along I was and they would be surprised and tell me I was small. This time people are saying things like "Wow when are you due?" with inflection hinting that it has to be soon.
You look great! I love your belly! I can't believe you only have 4 weeks left! So exciting! And if you aren't as small this time...that is normal just because it is your second time around and generally speaking....boys are bigger. But I think you do look small still for 36 weeks. Definitely get a massage! They are wonderful when you are a month away from giving birth.
I am so excited for you, just a few weeks away!! Those pics of Darcy in your more recent post are adorable. I can't believe how blonde she is! And where did you get that dress of hers?? Probably one of the cutest I have ever seen!
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