Wednesday, April 25, 2012

8 Months (and a couple weeks)

I was a big slacker about getting this eight month post done. My computer has been having issues so I kept putting off messing with it to get this done.

Some things we want to remember about Ezra at 8 months:

- 17.4 lbs. He isn't making any huge leaps but he does seem to keep gaining weight steadily so I am pretty happy about that. I don't know his height, but Drew and I were both saying he looks really long to us. We will get a real measurement at his nine month appointment.

- Diagnosed with a milk allergy. This will possibly go away when he's 2-3. I am really hoping for that!

- He rolls all around and is now pushing himself up on his knees and then lunging. He seems very determined to get moving. I am so excited for the crawling stage!

- He is moving into taking two naps a day.

- He does lots of squealing and other fun baby noises.

- He is so easy to entertain. I love my sweet baby boy SO much!

Happy boy at the park.
We always have a few fun things to deal with with Ezra. This is a shot of his latest skin problem. I guess the fungus from his cradle cap moved to his face, so now we are getting to treat this once a day.

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