Tuesday, May 22, 2012

9 Months

Ezra is nine months old now and full of energy. We are loving this fun stage he is in right now.

Some things we want to remember about Ezra at nine months:

- 17 lbs. 4 oz. He isn't gaining weight in huge leaps and bounds, but he is steadily going up so I guess I should just be happy with that. 27 1/2 inches.

- We found out this past Tuesday that he is allergic to wheat, egg, milk, peanuts, and soy!!!! Yikes!! So I'm basically ready to give up on food altogether. There's nothing good left to eat. :) But honestly I'm happy to know what's going on. There is this amazing lady from church who's little boy had the same thing but has just outgrown his allergies (he's four now) so she gave me tons of recipes and even some of her alternative flours and helpful tips. I am so grateful. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed and I almost cried when she dropped all this stuff off. It is pretty likely he will outgrow these allergies so that is something to look forward to hopefully.

- When we can find something he can actually eat, he devours it.

- He is crawling! I LOVE crawling! I think it is the cutest thing. He is so happy to be able to get around on his own. He stays busy for really long stretches of time because he can go find lots of different things to entertain himself.

- He is pulling himself up on everything and loving that too.

- He waves and claps. He will clap on and on and on. We love it.  He also bounces to music.

- He loves to throw his binky or his burp cloth down on the ground when we are holding him over and over. He thinks he is being so funny. He loves to get a reaction. He also likes to yank my glasses off and throw them on the floor (not as cool).

- He goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes up between 6 and 6:30.

- He usually takes two naps. The first is 2 1/2 hours. The second is 1 1/2 hours.

- He wakes up happy in the morning and after his naps fairly regularly! Who knew that was possible? It's so fun to hear him up there talking and playing in his bed. Then he is SO happy to see us when we get him. It is divine!

- He loves the water.

- I asked Drew if there was anything else and he said, "He's just the cutest baby in the world." So there you have it. (I guess everyone probably feels that way about their babies.) :)

 I love this picture. We have another water baby on our hands! This was last weekend playing at Grandma and Grandpa Christensen's.

 Look at those blue eyes! They kill me. Also notice the bruise on his forehead. He's getting bonks and bruises on his head all the time these days. He likes to explore which gets him in trouble sometimes.

 He has started climbing the stairs and it makes him so happy.

 When we go up to play with Darcy's kitchen Ezra spends the whole time with her play food in his mouth. I guess with all his allergies this is the next best thing. I wish I could have a donut too bud!


threelittlebackseatdrivers.blogspot.com said...

You've still got potatoes and rice? Let me know if you want some recipes, my sis has a ton! She makes a really good yukon gold potato and sausage soup. She also makes a really good cafeo rio with black beans and lime rice...they eat A LOT of soup... :)

Cassie said...

I'm so glad you have some answers now, that must be so relieving!! We are still working on getting our ;)

Kristen and Alex said...

He is SUCH an ADORABLE baby! I LOVE his blue eyes too; they are beautiful! I'm so sorry about his allergies, but at least you know how to make him feel better now.