Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 Months

I am getting worse and worse at doing these monthly posts on time. So now Ezra is really 10 1/2 months old. He is so much fun these days and keeping us very busy. He is stealing our hearts more and more every day. We love our little guy!

Some things we want to remember about Ezra at ten months:

- 17 lbs. 13 oz. Still not 18 lbs.!!! I can't believe it! He better be 18 lbs. at 11 months or I think I will cry. I feel like I am constantly working on finding something for him to eat. I don't know what his height is again.

- He is a pretty good sleeper. He goes to bed around 7-7:30 and wakes up around 6. I keep wishing he would sleep in until 7 instead, but so far my wish has not been granted. He is awake for a couple hours in the morning then takes a 1 1/2 hour nap. He takes another nap around 1:00 for about 2 1/2 hours. It is so nice that his schedule is pretty consistent.

- He has started his baby talking and we really love it. His first sound was "ba, ba, ba" then "da da da" then "ma ma ma" but mainly now he just says "da da".

- I think he loves us all, but he really loves Drew and I think it is so sweet! He seems to know that Drew is "dada."

- He claps, waves, gives high-fives, and dances to music.

- He pulls himself up to everything and walks around holding onto furniture. He loves to go up the stairs a million times a day. When you follow him he laughs and squeals and thinks we're having a party on the stairs.

- He does NOT cooperate when he is getting his diaper changed. It's kind of like wrestling.

 - He loves to be outside and loves the water.

Don't mind the scab on his cute little face. He is always bonking and scraping his head.

 I love this face. "Really Mom??"

 Walking around on furniture.

 The other day I was vacuuming and Ezra kept crawling right in front of the vacuum so I couldn't get anywhere. So, Drew just picked him up and put him on the vacuum. He never cracked a smile so we took him off, but he crawled over and wanted on again. He continued to want to have rides, but never smiled the whole time. I could hardly keep vacuuming I was laughing so hard. Becky has a picture of Drew riding the vacuum when he was a baby too. Maybe I can get them side-by-side some day.


Ashley said...

Hey! I absolutely love looking at your blog, your kids are adorable! I just wanted to tell you, don't worry about Ezra's weight - he is healthy! Wyatt was only 16 pounds at one year and is still a little guy (19 at 16 months). The doctors had me stressed with weigh ins every 2 weeks and everything but as long as he is eating and healthy he is great. Some kids are just skinny! Miss you!

Kristen and Alex said...

LOVE that he is riding the vacuum! That is TOO funny! What an adorable little boy. I see so much Drew in him.