Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Preschool Nativity

 Last night we got to go to a Christmas party with Darcy's preschool group and the families. The kids acted out a little Nativity while the host of the party read the story. Darcy was Mary. I had assumed all along that I had to have something somewhere around the house that we could use for a Mary costume, but I didn't actually look until about an hour and a half before the party started. We ended up having nothing already assembled, so I found some old scraps of fabric and an old blue pillow case and whipped together a costume. I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with that costume so last minute, and I was so relieved that we had the stuff to put one together at all.

 We had an issue for a moment when Darcy couldn't get the baby Jesus out from under her dress and everyone was watching. I was relieved that she managed to recover after I helped her get it out though.

 After the Nativity the kids sang Christmas carols.

 Darcy loves to sing Christmas songs, and has had fun practicing.

Mary and Joseph (and Joseph's dad in the background.) :)

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