Thursday, May 8, 2014

1 Month

Parks is one month old! We have certainly had our ups and downs since he was born, but we are so happy that he is here and we are so grateful to have him in our family.

Some things we want to remember about Parks at one month:

-11.9 lbs. 22 inches. Gaining weight nicely considering all of our nursing issues.

- He has started making the most adorable cooing sounds.

- He has a serious set of lungs and uses them often. He adds a high pitched scream into his cry regularly.

- We have had nursing issues. LOTS of pain for me. I have seen a lactation consultant a number of times and tried all sorts of different gadgets and tricks. At this point he gets pumped milk in a bottle most of the time. Lots of people have said that six weeks can be the magic age for nursing so we are shooting for that. I will forever be more sympathetic to anyone who has had or will have nursing issues. On top of the sleep deprivation, trying to figure out what exactly this new little person wants/needs, and trying to take care of my other two kids, having problems with nursing is so very hard.

- He was really tongue and lip tied. A lactation consultant told us that was probably our nursing issue so we had both clipped. The doctor seemed shocked about how tight the bands were. Drew stayed in the room with him for the procedure, but I went far enough away that I couldn't hear him cry. I still cried with him when I saw him after they were done though. We were really crossing our fingers that that would do the trick, but alas, no miracle cure there.

- His eyes are getting to be a brighter blue every day, and I can see a hint of blonde coming through at his roots already.

- He is VERY loved/mauled by Darcy and Ezra a million times a day. Unfortunately he seems to be getting sick of it.

- The skin on his face and scalp have broken out in the past few days. I know this can be normal, but it was Ezra's first symptom with his crazy milk allergy, so I am freaking out a bit that Parks could have that allergy too.

- Speaking of Ezra...I think Parks looks exactly like him! When I go to say his name I call him Ezra a lot of the time. Maybe that is just part of motherhood though. I feel a bit like I have lost my brain since we have added a third baby to the mix.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

What a little cutie. They do look a lot alike!! I love your comment of being loved/mauled. haha. Love you guys!!