Monday, October 20, 2014


A couple weeks ago we packed up and headed to Utah for my cousin Caitlin's wedding. It was a bit of a whirlwind trip, but totally worth it. We left on a Wednesday afternoon and stopped in Boise for the night and stayed at a hotel so we could swim with our kids the next morning. Darcy and Ezra thought that old, cheap hotel was the best place ever! :) We got to Milas and Laura's house, where we stayed, in Kaysville the next afternoon and hung out with them for the rest of that day.

Friday was the day of the wedding and it was a wild day. We left the house around 10 and headed to temple square. We went to the mall and had lunch and let our kids play at the awesome play place in the middle of the food court there. Then we headed back over to the temple for the wedding. We left our kids with Ashley and my cousin John and crossed our fingers that they wouldn't be too much of a handful along with the other kids they were watching. The sealing was wonderful, but I was sorry to see Parks was giving Ashley a bit of a hard time when I got back to her. Thankfully everyone survived though. We hung out for another hour for pictures and to chat with family. We had to go get some pictures ourselves in front of the temple. Then Milas took us on a quick tour around the building where he works there on temple square.

Next we rushed over to Luke's house so our kids could finally have some cousin time! We changed our clothes stopped to grab some pizza for dinner and headed to a pumpkin patch. That was so fun, until Ezra started having a hard time with his breathing from all the dust. We were there for a while and then hurried back to Luke's to change again and head to the reception. Ezra was soo wiped out by the time we got the reception, so we didn't get to stay as long as I would have liked but it was so beautiful. Caitlin was a seriously beautiful bride, and I am so excited and happy for her. We were always pretty close as kids and I'm so happy I got to be there to see her on her big day. We left to put our kids to bed for the night, and stayed up late playing games and laughing. I wish we could do that more often!

Saturday we packed up, said our goodbyes, and headed to Idaho for a different adventure.
 I love the reflecting pool in front of the Salt Lake temple! Ezra did not want to cooperate for pictures at all though. He just really wanted to play in the water!

 My cousin Lainey and Aunt Elaine. I love these awesome ladies!
 My mom pointed this out to me. I don't know exactly what they were looking at, but I imagine it was the top of that beautiful building.
 Maybe they had this kind of view.
 Nick and Alyssa. Cute!!
 I think there were about a billion people at this wedding, and lots of them were vying for position with cameras. I had a hard time pushing my way through the crowd to get any pictures of the happy couple. This was the best one I got.
 Caitlin with some of her siblings.

 We attempted a jumping picture. It didn't really work.
 On our tour we went on top of the church headquarters building and had some really amazing views from up there. This is the Utah State Capital building where my grandma worked many many years ago.
 I loved the view of the Salt Lake temple from above.
 That is the original of that painting!
 Down in the basement/parking garage we saw this entrance into the building where the prophet and apostles spend lots of their time.
 This was at the pumpkin patch. They had a big corn pit that the kids searched through for candy.
 Whitney started off the pumpkin bowling.
 Parks with Drew on the tractor
 Jase was pretty excited to be on the tractor all by himself!

 This picture cracked me up. Luke and Michael raced up and then down the hay stack and you can just barely see who won. Michael was to fast for my camera! He is a seriously awesome climber.
 Darcy and Sam with some pumpkin. I wish all these cousins got to see each other more often! It took them about two minutes to become great buddies.
I was really excited that we managed to get this shot with everyone looking. This is all eight of my parents' grandkids!

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