Tuesday, June 9, 2015

March and April Catch Up

 My computer has been out of commission and then going back and forth to be fixed for the last couple months and I have gotten way behind on blogging. So now I'm playing catch up. I have some random pictures from March and April for this post.
 Darcy had crazy hair day at school and was pretty excited about the cupcake hairdo we put together.

 Ashley turned 14! Darcy wanted to make her princess cupcakes, so my mom kindly let us take over cake duty. (Which we halfway completed as you can see.)

 Her birthday goods.

 Typical bath for Ezra

 Ezra riding at grandma's

 My parents are in the process of getting a new house and to get the new one they had to remove the old one. That included the bunk house and the surrounding area. We got to be part of the process a little bit here and there.

 Ashley and I could really swing a sledge hammer! 

 We have our fair share of rocking horses at our house. Darcy was a particularly intense rocking horse rider for this picture.

 We went for a family walk early this spring when we had a nice day and it was so beautiful. I love that pathway by the river.

 To our great amusement, Matthew somehow got himself stuck in the tree like this but he wasn't worried about it at all.

A random picture of Parks before church.

We got to celebrate Alyssa's birthday with her this year. Apparently she is a serious Scooby Do fan and Haley hooked her up!

She started unwrapping her present from Nick in this big box...

 ...and opened box after box until she got to this envelope that had two Taylor Swift concert tickets in it. She was really excited, and the rest of us were jealous. :)

 We had quite a few motorcycle Saturdays this spring so I have about a billion pictures of that. 

Our kids are still excited to go watch every time even though it means they will just be hanging out in the dirt the whole time.

 I love this one. They were pretending to be off on an adventure of some sort.

 The kids always came away with boots full of dirt.

Ezra loves going to the track most of all, but then every once in a while a dog shows up and ruins all his fun. :)

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