I'm a little late with a Christmas post, but better late than never I guess. We came home to Washington for Christmas of course. On Christmas Eve my family always acts out the Nativity. One of the best parts is the funny costumes people come up with. Haley decided that this time we would make it a musical Nativity and it turned out really well. Drew and I were Mary and Joseph and we sang Mary's Lullaby from the children's songbook. The angel sang a song, the wisemen sang a song, and the shephards sang a song. I loved it! We usually wake up at my house super early (usually between 2 and 4 am) on Christmas morning, but by some miracle no one woke up until 6:30 so that was a nice change I guess. We opened out presents at my parents' and then around noon we went over to Drew's house to open presents with his family. His parents got us a Dyson vaccuum this year which I am soo excited about. When we got married we just bought the cheapest vaccuum we could find, and found out the hard way that that is NOT the way to go if you actually are hoping to clean your carpet at all. I hope everyone had the best Christmas ever!

Drew and I singing Mary's Lullaby
The whole group. I hope you can zoom in on this picture. The costumes are the best.
Posing with the scarf my mom got me.
Drew looking so excited about his new golf gloves.
The day after Christmas my brother Nick got his mission call. He's going to Tucson, AZ and speaking spanish. He leaves March 11th. We are so excited for him.
Attempting to play a duet with Ashley.
My dad hitched a horse to the wagon and pulled people behind on sleds. I didn't do any sledding because I was in charge of pictures. It was such a pretty day for pictures.
We had more snow for Christmas in Mattawa than we have in a long time. The is my parents' back yard covered with snow and frost.