Darcy's 6 month birthday was on Saturday, but she went to the doctor yesterday for her checkup. It wasn't very fun at all. She HATES when the doctor and nurse touch her and especially when she has to lay on the bed and I'm not holding her. I was a little bothered because first a doctor in training came in and checked everything and Darcy hated it, and even after all of her screaming they had the real doctor come in and do everything all over again. I thought it was a little bit cruel considering how much Darcy hated it. Even after the doctor left Darcy screamed and screamed and the nurse who then had to give her three shots took forever to come it. We were both happy to get out of there! I really hate shots, and judging by her reaction so does Darcy.
Things we want to remember about Darcy's sixth month:
- 18 lbs. 2 oz. Less than last month, but last month I just weighed her on my scale so it probably wasn't as accurate. 27 1/4 inches. (95% for height)
- We have experienced a miracle with her sleeping this month. I never ended up reading Babywise just doing what other people (mostly my sister-in-law Sharee) said Babywise says to do. We let her scream it out basically and it really was only a couple nights of it and now she only cries for a couple minutes and sometimes not at all. It is wonderful!! She goes to bed between 8 and 8:30, wakes up at 3 or 4 to eat and then wakes up for the day between 7 & 7:30. Her naps are so much better (aka
longer) too.
- She is sitting up by herself now.
- She rolls around the room.
- She has decided sometimes she just wants me to hold her, but she is very happy to see Drew. She always squeals when he comes in the room.
- She "talks" soo much.
- She does raspberries with her tongue all the time.
- She is eating all sorts of new things: rice cereal, oat cereal, green beans, peas, squash, carrots, peaches, pears, and bananas. She loves it all!
- She has one little tooth.
- She grabs everything she can reach and wants to put everything in her mouth.
- She loves baths.

The close up. We just love those blue eyes!

I tried to do the usual monthly picture with her laying on my leg, but she wasn't having it. Here she is sitting up!

She LOVES my umbrella. She spotted it one day and now she always wants to touch it and play with it.

She makes this face all the time now. We call it her old man face. (Thanks for the cute shirt Laura!!)