Friday, December 16, 2011

Picture Time

Some of what's been going on around here:

Darcy wanted Ezra to lay in her bed with her, and they were just too cute together.

A little smooch.

Protein! I think it was Ashley that taught Darcy this awesome move, but the other day Darcy wasn't eating her meat at dinner, and Drew and I were telling her that it was good for her and it would make her strong. I ended up doing this move and yelling "protein!" and for some reason that did the trick. So if we ever want her to eat her meat we just do that, and she will eat it. Amazing! (Sorry about the missing shirt, but that's just how it is around here sometimes.)

Shirtless again, but so cute. She spotted this tutu skirt in her closet the other day and she has been wearing it to dance around the house to Christmas music.

I always put Ezra in his bumbo up on the counter when I'm cooking and Darcy loves to sit up there with him. Neither of them look very happy here, but I promise they liked it.

I'm only posting this picture because it was Darcy's first picture that she actually got someone in the frame.


Kristen and Alex said...

Such precious pictures! I love the picture of Ezra and Darcy in bed together! Too cute!

Brittany said...

darcy and ezra are sooo cute together!! love the pictures. hope you guys had a great christmas! can't believe you guys have been gone a YEAR now!!!