Thursday, April 12, 2012


We had Ezra tested and found out he is severely allergic to milk protein in cow's milk. I almost feel like I should be more freaked out, but really I am mostly happy to know what is going on with him. I am going to try cutting milk out of my diet for a couple weeks to see if that might also help with his eczema. I have been doing this for a few days and it is hard! Everything has milk in it. Luckily I am not a big milk drinker though so I guess it's better for this to happen to me instead of someone that loves milk.

There is a chance it will go away after a while and I am really hoping for that obviously. He won't even be able to eat milk chocolate and that's just wrong!! He will be re-tested in a year. How do I cook for him??????

The things that kills me about this is that it wasn't even any doctor that came up with the idea to test him. I was visiting teaching last week and I was telling my visiting teaching partner and a lady I visit teach about a few things that have happened with him lately. After his ER experience a few days later I tried to give him formula again, and he had almost the same reaction except he threw up so much I think he got it all out of his system and his breathing never got quite as bad. Then a couple weeks ago I was at my mom's feeding Darcy yogurt with one hand and Ezra some baby food with the other. My hands got confused and I accidentally gave Ezra some yogurt instead of the baby food. He immediately started to have a reaction. Luckily my mom had some benadryl and he recovered quickly. After I told them this they both told me it sounded so much like he was allergic and that I should have him tested. They also said that his eczema might have something to do with this allergy. It made so much sense to me and I couldn't believe that his doctor, the dermatologist, or ER doctor hadn't come up with this as an option!!

I don't know exactly what the numbers mean, but the doctor said that a 15 means you're allergic and Ezra was a 61. The doctor said that means he is severely allergic. Yikes. Seems pretty bad to me.

I have dealt with quite a few little health issues with Ezra since he was born. Torticollis, eczema, cradle cap, weight issues, and now this. I feel like I am treating him for something every second he's awake. It has made me think a lot about people who deal with things like this on a larger scale. My heart goes out to the people who have babies and kids with more serious issues. I hope my experiences with these things will make me more aware and more willing to help people who are really spending their lives dealing with major health problems.


Cassie said...

Lindsey, I am going through some of the same things with Rawson right now. He has been having a reaction to something where he all of the sudden starts throwing up violently and has diarrhea at the same time. On Friday night he threw up 13 times in 1.5 hours. He's been to the ER twice, transported to Children's Hospital, had so many xrays done, an upper GI, the list goes on and they can't figure out what is wrong with him. So I totally feel for you on how hard it is to not know what is wrong with your little baby, it's so hard. Hopefully Ezra gets better with not having milk!

Lindsey said...

Wow Cassie that is so scary. It's crazy that they haven't come up with anything yet! I hope you get something figured out soon!

Crystal said...

Oh man! How hard! Hope that things get better for you both. Sorry to hear that you can't eat milk products! Let me know if you need anything!!

Kristen and Alex said...

WOW! That is SO scary. I'm glad that you figured out the milk allergy. Is he doing better yet? Poor little guy!