Saturday, September 8, 2012

Darcy's First Day of Dance!!

I was so excited for this day! I had been talking to Darcy about it for weeks hoping that she would just be excited and not nervous. She was fine for the first couple minutes we were there, but when her teachers started talking to her she burst into tears and it took a while for her to calm down. When she finally calmed down though, she was loving it and I loved watching her. She is doing tap and creative movement and both are so cute!

While we were watching Ezra kept trying to walk into her class so I put him on the bench behind me. That kind of thing is normally not a problem for him, but suddenly I heard this disgusting thump and turned around to see Ezra face down on the cement floor. When I picked him up he had this gigantic bruise and bump on his forehead. Although he has had this kind of thing before I'm pretty sure it's the biggest one yet. I wasn't totally sure what to do, but the ladies there convinced me to take him to the ER. I was so worried about leaving Darcy there, because I had told her I would be right there watching her, and then I discovered I didn't have my phone! I always have my phone! So the lady who owns the dance place gave me her phone and they ushered me out the door. I ran to the ER (luckily I found my way there on the first try). I walked up to the front desk and said to the guy sitting there, "So he has this bump on his head. Do I really need to be here?" He told me that he wasn't really supposed to tell me something like this but if it was his son he would put ice on it and watch him. He hadn't passed out or thrown up or gone to sleep or anything and swelling on the outside was a good sign. I was so relieved and grateful for that guy who was willing to give me that info! I ran back out the door, but unfortunately I wasn't as fortunate with my directions on the way back. I am really terrible at directions! But we eventually got there in time to watch the last half of Darcy's class. We bring a show everywhere we go!

When she was done Darcy was so happy and loved talking about all the things she had done. I think her teachers are so great. I hope next week the initial separation will be a little easier for her!

 In her dance outfit!



A leap! (Her focus is amazing already!) :)

This was not actually a dance move, she was just getting distracted. It makes for a good dance picture though.

Crown feet (1st position) and soft ballet arms. This is her teacher Miss Christy

With her cute little group of girls

Dancing with feather dusters to the Cinderella song. (She really seamed to love this part.)

The knot on Ezra's head. The pictures don't quite do it justice. It looked so nasty!

Side view

1 comment:

Laura Howe said...

Holy MOLY!!! That is a goose egg. Darcy is such a good dancer I can tell. :)