Wednesday, March 7, 2018

First Birthday Cake

 Of course I took a thousand pictures of Shelby eating her first birthday cake. This was the best I could do to narrow it down.

We had a bit of a tricky time coordinating with family for Shelby's party time on the day of her birthday and we ended up trying to squeeze it in right before her nap. That did not work out so well. I thought that once she got a taste of her cake she wouldn't care about being tired, but apparently her need for sleep was stronger than I anticipated.
I don't know why, but I assumed she was going to love the birthday song. As we sang she looked around at the 20ish people there singing to her with a straight face, and then when the song ended she burst into tears. Just a little too tired I think.

She took a couple little tastes of the frosting with lots of cousins (and maybe parents...) egging her on, but that was all she could muster.

She cried until she got her binkie.

 So we called it and put her down for her nap. By the time she woke up mostly everyone had gone off to a basketball game. I decided to let her try again with a significantly smaller audience and she was much happier about it the second time around.

 She got a little help from her buddy Carrie.

 Cake and boogers. The perfect one year old combination.

 Grandpa Neil got her this fun little toy that was an instant hit and she still loves it a month later.

My parents got her this dress that I love so much. I just love the frilly (and I'm sure Shelby does too.) :)

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