Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Miss Mattawa

It's really so fun to have a sister that's still in high school. So many fun things to go watch her do. A couple months ago Ashley was part of the Miss Mattawa program in my home town. I kept thinking she was doing so amazingly well, but I was questioning whether that was just my family bias or if she was really killing it. She ended up winning judges interview

, talent, getting second in every other category (fitness, self expression, scholastic) and then winning Miss Mattawa. So I guess the judges thought she was doing awesome too! 😀
She played (on the ukulele) and sang the Bruno Mars song You Can Count on Me

She looked so beautiful up there and she was so poised. Really the other girls were so beautiful and talented also, so of course at the end it's always hard to think of their possible disappointment. (I did this years ago and know how that feels.)

Hugs from Darcy and Sammi afterward

Whitney, Darcy, Ashley and Sam

With mom and dad

Pinewood Derby

Darcy turned eight and started going to Activity Days this year. She is loving it! In March she had her first Pinewood Derby. She searched online for ideas and decided on the look she wanted for her car. Drew helped her execute it and she was really happy with how it turned out. As far as speed goes, she ended up somewhere in the middle of the pack. I normally think of her as our slightly less competitive child, but I could see her itching to win her races. We had talked before about how to be a good sport and she really did great with that, but she told us afterward that she wants a faster car next year. :) They handed out all kind of other awards and she and a friend tied for "prettiest car" which seemed to be right up there next to winning in her mind. 

 When it was getting down to the last minute Darcy was kindly letting us off the hook for getting her initials on there. I managed to carve out a little extra time to get in on there for her and surprise her when she got home from school. Those two letters made that girl pretty darn happy.

I was amazed when I walked into the gym. Such a fun and fancy pinewood derby!