Saturday, August 23, 2008

Miniature Golf/Lake/Opryland Hotel!!

This was the second to last day my mom and the girls were here. We started off the morning by going to the Opryland hotel. Almost everyone who looks at this knows what that is already, but for those who don't it is a giant hotel here that has a huge garden (practically rain forest) inside. Its kind of a must see thing in Nashville. When the guys went to work the girls headed for a water park that Ashley had been anxiously waiting for the whole trip. As we drove up there was a big sign that saying that the park was closed for the day. Disappointment! To try to make amends with Ashley I suggested we go to the lake instead. I played with my camera the whole time setting up photo shoots. I loved it! When we got tired of that we went to a black light miniature golf place and played 36 holes! Emily won the first round and I won the second. It was a miracle (that I won, not Emily)!

Serious miniature golfers!
We spent most of the time at the lake trying to get this running picture right.
This was my mom's idea. I won't tell you who is who. I'll let you guess.
Posing in the Opryland hotel.
Looking down at my mom and Ashley by the pond.
This one is so mysterious!


Jennes said...

Lindsey, such nice photography! Though I have to take credit for the waterfall pic:) Some mighty weird pictures of me though. I am glad you have a camera to enjoy.

Haley Webb said...

I love the first one w/ Ashley's super intense model face, and I totally know who the legs are. The running pic is great, it was definately worth all the attempts. And looking at these makes me more grateful that Nick cut his hair, he reminds me of Pedro in the last one for some reason!!

Haley Webb said...

Seriously, look up Pedro + Napoleon in Google Images, and you will see the perfect one!