We had a nice long break in Washington for Christmas this year. Almost four weeks! The flight home was kind of a nightmare, but somehow we made it through, and I only cried twice! :) I probably shouldn't admit to this but for the flight back we gave Darcy a little medicine and she slept for the first 3 hour flight, was wide awake and happy for our layover, and slept for the second 3 hour flight again. So this time is was a good dream...and she's still alive with no problems so I think it was ok.
When we got back out friends Rich and Brittany picked us up from the airport. They were bringing their car and our car to fit all of our luggage, but when they went to get our car it wouldn't start. So while we sat happily in the warm airport they were outside in the snow pushing our car, trying to jump it and searching our apartment for the extra set of keys for the pickup. Eventually they got the car started thankfully, but Drew and I just felt so bad. We owe them!
It was so fun to be home with our families and to see everyone interact with Darcy. She had so much attention I was worried she would be totally bored with me when we got back, but so far she has been fine. I struggled more this time trying to split our time between my family and Drew's family so everyone got their fair share of time with Darcy. I hope everyone will forgive me if you got cheated out of your time. :)
I had over 200 pictures to choose from for this post, and it was quite the chore to decide which ones to use. There are way more I wish I could have used, but it was getting ridiculous. Darcy was blessed when we were home, but I will have to do a separate post for that.

On Christmas Eve we went to Drew's Grandma and Grandpa Rexius' house and had lots of fun seeing his family there. Darcy got this "crawl ball" from them. She has been playing with it a lot. Darcy got to meet her cousin Case for the first time this Christmas too. He was so sweet with her and so much fun for all of us to watch. He is almost exactly a year older than her (short by 1 day) so it was fun to see where Darcy will be this time next year. I'm sad they don't get to see each other more often.

At my parent's house on Christmas Eve we always act out the Nativity story with my mom as the narrator and we find our costumes using random things from around the house. This year my sister Emily was the angel and she wore my wedding dress. It's fun to see it being put to good use. Drew was a very sly looking Joseph this year, my black pants were probably not something Mary ever wore, and we failed at swaddling "the baby Jesus" (Darcy). There were some awesome costumes this year!

Here is my dad holding Darcy while my sister Ashley entertains. She did lots of entertaining this Christmas.

These were Darcy's PJ's she opened on Christmas Eve.

Drew got these court shoes from my parents that he has been wanting for raquetball.

My dad has created the funny tradition of getting my mom a spatula for almost every holiday. Lately they have been getting bigger and bigger until my mom told him not to get her anymore! She thought he had gone against her wished when she saw this thing wrapped up under the tree. It turns out it was actually a super thoughtful gift my dad had made for my mom for her file cabinets that have been driving her crazy. He rigged this cardboard around it to look like a spatula and he thought he was soo funny. So did all of the rest of us. We were definitely fooled.

The girls got these new sleds from Santa. Here is Brian doing some fancy sledding outside our house.

Here and Ashley and I playing "Fox and Geese" (basically tag in a circle in the snow). I couldn't believe how quickly I was winded!

Drew's dad got my name for Christmas and he got me some fun new things for the kitchen and a couple sweaters that I really love! I was impressed with his taste in clothes. :)

Drew and his mom get harassed about him being the favorite son so when he opened this present everyone thought they finally had the proof, but then all of the boys ended up getting the same shirt. It was pretty funny.

Drew's parents got Darcy this adorable new hat. Case got one just like it in boy colors. This picture of Becky is so cute, but Darcy is looking a little bit crazy. :)

Drew's brother Justin had Darcy's name for Christmas this year and he got her a fun toy and a few funny onesies. This one was my favorite because it seems so appropriate for her.

This year Drew's parents took us all up to a really nice "cabin" to go snowmobiling. The snow was a little disappointing for the boys but it was still fun. I only stayed a couple days, but the rest of them stayed for the week and had lots of fun. Here are Drew and his brother Bryce sword fighting on the Wii.

Here are Drew and I ready to go snowmobiling.

Last year my sisters and I decorated a gingerbread house together and took a picture next to it that we love so we were trying to recreate that this year. Unfortunately Haley was really the one who decorated it this year with a little help from Ashley. The rest of us just pretended and got in on the picture.

We took a little family picture behind my house in front of the vineyard and a beautiful sunset. We LOVE home and miss it already!
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