Thursday, March 4, 2010

7 Months!

February threw me off my game because there was no 30th. So I'm a little later than usual with this post although probably no one even noticed. I have been having fun taking lots of pictures of Darcy lately. I'm definitely not a very serious photographer but I have heard other "real" photographers say that natural light is the best so I'm been going for that. All the pictures I've been taking are in the exact same spot because it's the only place in the house where we get tons of natural light.

Things we want to remember about Darcy's seventh month:

- 18 lbs. 4 oz. Barely a difference at all. 27 1/4 inches. No difference. I can't believe how suddenly her growth has slowed down, almost stopped.

- She goes to sleep around 8, wakes up to eat around 4, and then sleeps until around 7:30. She takes one long nap in the morning, another long nap in the afternoon, and then one more little cat nap in the evening around 5. To have this sleep thing kind of figured out is such a huge relief for me.

- She rolls everywhere and gets stuck sometimes, so we have to go rescue her.

- She pushed up on her hands and scoots a little, but can't quite get her knees under her yet.

- She loves all food and wants to eat everything we are eating. She has been eating those baby biscuit things. They are my favorite and her favorite because she gets to feed herself and they entertain her for a long time. She also likes pancakes and loves to have drinks of water from a cup.

- She loves toothbrushes. (Although Drew doesn't really love how much she loves his.) :)

- She is really happy most of the time, but she has started kind of whining when she's been on the floor for a while. I think she is frustrated because she wants to get moving.

- She likes to scream. It's a happy scream. I think she thinks she's talking. The other day she rolled over so she was laying under the lamp and she screamed up at it forever like she was talking to it. Very funny.

- She likes to be upstairs for some reason. She likes to pound on the piano and roll around and play on my bed.

For her 7 month pictures Darcy is sporting this adorable outfit that we just got in the mail from my mom. It's not spring here yet at all, but it's warm enough in the house and I just couldn't resist. If you look closely at this picture you can see her 2 little bottom teeth.
We had a hard time with close-ups this time, but this was the best I could do.
I just like this one.
This one is just for fun. Her curled up lip cracks me up.

Her are some of the fun pictures I took of her this past month.


Haley Webb said...

Ok, I noticed there was no post, trust me I'm obsessed! I can't get enough, these pics are so cute. The one w/ her finger in her mouth cracks me up, and the curled up lip does too. So glad the sleeping is under control, now you just have no complaints about this cutie. Haha.

Chelsea said...

She is such a doll. I love the black and white one in the laundry basket. I love little baby rolls...just want to squeeze her! Adorable!!

Cassie said...

She is just darling! I love the ones of her in the laundry basket.

Tiffany Cramer said...

Looking at these pictures of Darcy tells me we haven't seen you in SO long! She is so darling. We need to get together! What are you guys doin for Spring Break?

Collin and Tiffany said...

I love the last picture especially. She looks like a doll. She is too cute!!

Jennes said...

Believe me Lindz I also noticed. I kept saying to my self "Why don't she write" (to quote dances with wolves) I love, love all these pictures. My favorite,or at least the one that I laughed at the longest and loudest was the expression on her face beside her tower. Nice coloration of the pix. A little black & white and a little color. Very tricky.

Vicki Sabin said...

Oh My Gosh - I just want to pick her up and squeeze her!

Ashley said...

She is beautiful!!