Tuesday, October 26, 2010

First Injury

I thought I should document Darcy's first injury besides just a bonk or a scrape here or there. We were just out on a walk and she tripped and face planted into the pavement. It was so sad and it gave her a bloody fat lip. I have always been so nervous about how I would deal with injured kids. At first when I saw the blood on her face I wanted to cry too and I wanted to yell for help. Since it really was a very minor injury I'm glad I didn't do either of those things. Just a couple minutes after it happened and I had cleaned her up and held some ice on her lip she was as happy as a clam. A clam with a fat lip.

Here she is with her fat lip.

A close-up of the fat lip (and up her nostils). It is actually even fatter now.

I just wanted to add this picture because her eyes look so blue.


Luke said...

I don't think you can call it a true first injury until it lands you in the ER or at least the doctor's office to have it checked out. :)

She certainly is a cute kid though, even with a fat lip.

Lindsey said...

I'm counting it! :) I don't know if I'll be able to handle injuries that take us to the ER.

Haley Webb said...

I think she looks even cuter with a fat lip. Maybe that is what people that are wanting lip plumper should do...just fall :) And way to control yourself, I am proud.