This was actually how I was feeling much more yesterday than today. I think now I know what people are talking about when they talk about the "terrible twos." She really isn't terrible, just REALLY REALLY busy. I can't keep up! She is always into something, and with our apartment in it's current state there is lots to get into and lots to destroy. Yesterday she got a hold of my scriptures and tore out a bunch of pages. I was already frustrated from a day full of craziness so it made me cry. I'm kind of a cry baby though. She really likes to spin the toilet paper roll so it all comes off and then shred the toilet paper and scatter it around the house. She loves to disassemble the couches. She loves to color on everything. She HAS TO use her own utensils and get food everywhere (another big issue in our current apartment with carpet in the dining area). She likes to open DVD cases and yank the DVD's out. She likes to pull our socks out of the our drawers and separate the pairs and scatter them around, and she likes to put our underwear on her head. HA! She doesn't like to leave a hair-thing in so she ends up looking like an 80's band member. If I use a rag to clean something, she needs one too. If I brush my teeth, brush my hair, do my makeup, put lotion on, change my clothes, or basically anything, she has to do it too. Plus she has kind of started whining. The list goes on and on.
Yesterday I hurt my tailbone, so that along with all of her busyness and already being uncomfortable from being pregnant lead to a major melt down by me. But, I decided while I was laying in bed last night that when we woke up this morning I was going to beat her at her own game. So we started off the day with a dance party and then went on a long walk outside which she always loves. We have done lots of playing this morning which has kept her busy in a better way than yesterday and now she is taking a nap and soon I will too. It has been a much better day. I guess it was just time for me to shift into the next gear. I guess I'm a whiner too, I'll be done now.
Last night we had this photo shoot. I was teaching her to make a monster face and claws. She really nailed it in that top picture. Here are some of the other attempts. I thought the disassembled couch with crumbs in it, the food on her shirt, slobber on her shirt and the couch cushion she's sitting on, my camera case she had just pulled apart, and her hair in her eyes were so fitting.

That's nothing my dear...wait until she starts maliciously going around destroying your things. She still sounds like a sweet girl to me :)
I know how you feel Lindsay and it can be so frustrating. Luckily, she is a doll though. I have been meaning to call you to see if you and Darcy want to come over and play. I'll be calling you next week.
Darcy is such a cutie (as always). It seems like my kids look the sweetest when they are sleeping...so I try to peek in on them at night before I go to bed (no matter how crazy the day was).
Cute pictures. The terrible 2's are really difficult. Did you read my recent post on Delson playing in our kitty litter? Yeah....they are naughty and the whining gets really bad too. I'm sorry. It should get better....it is just a matter of when. Right?
She is so cute and I can't get over that blonde blonde hair!
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