Monday, February 13, 2012

Ezra is 6 Months!

Half a year already? WHAT?!

Some things we want to remember about Ezra at six months:

- 15 lbs. 14 oz. He lost almost a pound over the last couple months and I am totally shocked! I feel so bad. I never thought I would have this issue. So now I am going to be trying to feed him extra and try some formula (even though I don't think he will take it). I didn't even catch how long he was because I was so shocked about him losing weight. He went from the 75th percentile to the 10th percentile. Sad.

- He is still such a happy boy. He loves to have people come talk to him.

- He rolls from his belly to his back and on to his sides from his back.

- He has been trying more baby food. He seems to really prefer the vegetables. The other day I made butternut squash for the family and mashed some up to give to him and he couldn't get enough!

- We love to watch him and Darcy interact. They love each other so much and it is so cute to watch!

- He still spits up like crazy. Booo!

- He is a cuddler and I absolutely LOVE IT!!

At Ezra's six month checkup today all the sweet nurses were telling him he was such a handsome boy...and I have to agree! Just look at that sweet face and those big blue eyes!

Drew took Ezra outside this afternoon and even though it was cold out there he was loving it!

Having some carrots.

Drew took this gem today. I love to have these pictures with my babies!

I just thought this picture really showed how much Darcy and Ezra have matching eyes.

1 comment:

Haley Webb said...

These pics are so cute, especially the one of you holding Ez. Good thing he is 6 mo. now so you can give him baby food :)