Friday, October 12, 2012

Mish Mash

I had a few random pictures on my camera I wanted to blog about. So here they are.

 I always put Darcy up on a stool to do her hair and Ezra had been anxious to have a turn up on the stool. So I put him up and brushed his hair. He loved it. Then he took the brush and brushed his own hair for a while. He tends to use the wrong side though.

 Another favorite lately. Both my kids have been into downward dog. :) Ezra loves to do this and have us look at him through his legs.

 I saw on their family blog that my nephew was making his own bed and he's just a little older than Darcy. I was shocked because I hadn't even thought of having Darcy make her own bet yet! Whoops! So the next day we started working on it, and she was so excited about it. When I tell her it's time to make her bed she runs upstairs, excited to do it. I had no idea she would be so happy to make her bed!

 I saw this idea for sidewalk paint on Pinterest and it was a hit! Darcy and Ezra both loved having freedom to paint all over without having to be careful. Ezra had never even gotten to try painting before this and he was a fan. I thought it was fun too!

 They got to clean up in the pool.

 It was a little chilly for getting wet so they were happy to get wrapped up in the towels.

This week I have been watching my cousin Cruz while my Aunt is working in the area. The first day he was here we blew up this air mattress in my room and these three had so much fun playing on it together.

 Yesterday I took a deep breath and let Darcy paint my toenails. I was worried she would get the polish all over everything, but she didn't get it anywhere besides my toes. Not exactly where it's supposed to go, but close. :) She was so happy to get to do this and it was definitely worth it! We were both laughing that it was all over my toes.


Ashley Calaway said...

What a fun mom you are! I love how Darcy had her baby tucked in on the top of her bed, so cute! I also love the toe painting picture. :) I am impressed with how well she did! Mine usually end up looking like that when I do it myself ;-)

Ginger said...

LOVE the toes... I seriously want to do this with Bronson now, LOL. And that is so smart to have the kiddos start making their own beds. I was just looking at the disaster in Bronson's room today. He likes to pick his own outfits so of course, the drawers usually are emptied. I guess its time he starts picking up his room too. haha. Oh and you'll have to tell me about this sidewalk paint. Such a good idea. We need to get together soon. I miss you guys!

Attitude of Gratitude said...

I think you are an amazing Mom. Nothing seems to ruffle your feathers. I want to be more like that. We love seeing pictures of your family. It has been so long since we saw all of you in person!