Sunday, March 17, 2013

Pi Party

When we lived in Pittsburgh our friends had pi parties on Pi Day (3/14) and we decided we had to take that tradition with us! We always need an excuse to eat pie! A couple days before, Drew reminded me it was almost pi day so we threw together a last minute party, and it ended up being a lot of fun. Because it seems to be my nature, I worried myself to pieces about the details: Would anyone come? What if we had invited too many people for our small space? Would it be boring? Did we need games? Will anyone notice if I don't dust my blinds? Would there be enough pie? Would there be way too much pie? (never) Who should we invite? I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so should we invite everyone we have ever met? :)

Anyway, of course everything was fine and we had a really great time having lots of good friends over for some delicious pie and some great conversation. There were 11 adults and 12 kids, and the kids seemed to have lots of fun together too. We need to do this kind of thing more often.
I found the idea to have label cards for each pie on Pinterest. We had 7 different kinds of pie! Lemon meringue, razzleberry, banana cream, vanilla cream, chocolate cream, pumpkin, and cherry. Yum!

Happy Pi Day!


Brittany said...

haha linds you are so funny. i just love you and your parties! :) i wish we could've been there....maybe next year?!!?

brook said...

I am just catching up on your last year of blogging. It's been very entertaining! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed pi day! We really miss you. Some day we hope to meet Ezra and you can meet Mae.

brook said...

I am just catching up on your last year of blogging. It's been very entertaining! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed pi day! We really miss you. Some day we hope to meet Ezra and you can meet Mae.