Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Scissors = The Enemy

Yesterday while I was getting ready Darcy walked in and said, "Mom, look at this side." and turned to show me her new hair cut! I was SO sad! I have lived in fear of this day! I was huffing and puffing, but amazingly I didn't freak out. I turned around and took some deep breaths and told her how sad I was and that it was not a good thing to do, etc. Then I walked out to see the hair laying on the couch. Then I looked up at her and she threw her hands over her face and started sobbing! Who knew my calmer reaction would be more devastating than me going crazy?! Her reaction broke my heart and so I had to tell her it was ok and her hair would grow back.

I think this is God's way of telling me I am far too proud of her shiny blonde locks. Booo!


Brittany said...

oh no. i knew as soon as i saw the title what must've happened! i still think she looks super cute, i could hardly even tell in that picture. and i get to SEE you guys in just a few days!!!!

Sierra said...

Ah, dang it. It will grow back. Still sad. Every girl has to try to cut their own hair sometime, I guess...