Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nick & Alyssa's Wedding

 On March 1st my brother Nick married a girl we all love. We are so excited to have Alyssa as part of our family and we are so excited for these two! They were married in the Idaho Falls temple on a lovely blizzardy morning. :)

 The beautiful bride toughing it out in the freezing weather with Darcy and Ezra!

 Nick with Darcy and Ezra

 Right after pictures a bunch of us piled into the visitors center to figure out where to go next. My Grandma was talking to baby Jase and he was smiling SO big at her! It was adorable. The pictures with the biggest smiles were blurry unfortunately, but this one is still cute.

 That night we headed to their reception at the church Alyssa grew up going to. I have never seen an LDS church gym transformed so beautifully! Ezra and Drew were being so cute together.



Luke and my dad checking out the wedding video

 Two weekends later they had their reception in Mattawa. My mom worked so hard and pulled off another beautiful reception. Drew and I got to spend a good part of the evening talking to Alyssa's siblings and their spouses. They are such a great group. We are excited that Nick gets to be a part of that family too.

 Alyssa's mom, LuAnn helping Nick with his flower

 The bride and groom

 A friend in my parents' ward made the delicious desserts. They were soo yummy!

 It took a while to help these boys figure out how to put their arms around each other, but after they figured it out they stayed that way for a while after we took the picture.

 Alyssa and Jase

 Nick and Alyssa with the kids

 Dancing moment

 Haley and Jase

 Alyssa's parents with Lainey

 Darcy had so much fun with her third cousin (I think that's how it goes) Becca! Such cute little friends.

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