Monday, June 16, 2014

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Drew was gone this past week (from Sunday to Sunday) for a certification course in San Diego. Not only was it hard to have him gone all week to begin with, but it felt like everything was going wrong the whole time he was gone. At the time I thought I was going to lose my mind, but looking back now it kind of makes me laugh. My crazy week really made me appreciate having my husband around!

It turns out Drew was having his own crazy week in California. He was in training every day from 8 am - 8 pm (the last day it was until 9 pm). He would wake up every morning to study flash cards at 5 am, go to training all day, and then go back to his room to study again until around midnight. They got a break for lunch, but didn't get dinner until after training. He was overwhelmed with information and wasn't feeling confident at all about passing the test. If he didn't pass he would have to pay the $600 and he would have to go back and try again some time. Thankfully, he did end up passing!! He was so relieved and I was too!

I had to write down my list of unfortunate events.

-Sunday I drove to Royal City to spend some time with Drew's family. Before I left I was trying to figure out how to get driving directions on my new phone but it was downloading so slow. I kept trying to call Drew was he was on his flight. (I really don't like not having access to his all-knowing brain!)

- I found some directions but not an app where someone would talk to me while I drove. When I ended up in Othello I was confused. I didn't remember going through there. Once again I tried to call Drew, but no answer. I called maybe four other people and couldn't get ahold of anyone. I was so confused and frustrated and about to turn around and go home when I got a call back.

- I wasn't clear about where exactly I was and I ended up driving over half an hour in the wrong direction. My 1 hour and 15 minute drive ended up being close to 2 and 1/2 hours.

- Ezra was eating a little snack on the way home that I had assumed would be safe for him but I was wrong. A few minutes on the road and I started noticing him coughing in the back seat. It was getting worse and worse and I stopped to try to find my benadryl, but couldn't find it anywhere. I got back in and put the pedal to the medal because I knew we were only about 10-15 minutes away from the Othello hospital. I kept feeling around in my bag as I drove and I found the benadryl. I stopped and gave it to him but he wasn't getting better as quickly as I would have liked so as we got into Othello I stopped at the first gas station I came to to give him more. Right when I stopped he threw up. That is never something I want to clean up but it really was a relief this time because his breathing immediately improved. 

- Parks had started sleeping through the night before Drew left. The first night he was gone and every night since he has been waking up in the middle of the night again, and often having a hard time going back to sleep.

- Tuesday, the day before Darcy's dress rehearsal for tap, Darcy drew all over her legs with a pen. Luckily it was only barely visible by Wednesday night.

- On the way to the Moses Lake aquatic center I got lost again. Parks was crying and ready to eat. Drew said I should never leave the house without him again. Haha! I agree!

-  When we got to the aquatic center I discovered, to my horror that Darcy had drawn all over herself once again. Legs and arms this time and covering a larger area. Her recital was the next day. We had to spend time scrubbing before swimming. (Under different circumstances I may have been able to laugh at this, but along with the frustration of getting lost, a crying baby, and trying to get everyone and everything out of the car to go swim it about did me in.)

- Darcy lost her temporary filling at the aquatic center and her tooth was hurting her.

- I called the dentist on the way home and they could only get me in at 7:30 the next morning, and I needed to go to the pharmacy to get her a prescription that night. I was to far away to get there in time. I wracked my brain and eventually called a very sweet friend who was willing to pick it up for me.

- We got to my parents' house and I fed Parks. He kept falling asleep so I would put him in his seat for us to go and he would wake up. I think this happened three different times.

- Parks slept particularly poorly that night. I was up for the day on Friday at 4:45.

- That miracle drug prescription that was trouble to get seemed to do nothing and Darcy screamed for her whole dental appointment.

- I was sooo tired from our rough night and early morning and tried over and over to get Parks to take a nap. I eventually would just let him cry. He would finally fall asleep, I would wait a little while to go lay down myself and he would wake up right when I was about to fall asleep.

- That night I got everything in the car to take Darcy to her recital, got in and turned the key and what do you know, dead. Apparently Darcy had gotten in the car when I was finally able to fall asleep for a few minutes to get something. She left the door open and Ezra went out and turned everything on in the car. Thankfully he didn't get as far as driving the car.

- My mom was on her way so we figured the two of us could jump it. I looked all over for our jumper cables and tried over and over to call Drew again. (I could never get ahold of him!) I sent him a text explaining my emergency and when he had a minute he called me back to tell me the jumper cables were in his car which was parked at the airport.

- My mom let me borrow her car so I raced off to the recital. As I pulled into the parking lot I realized I left Darcy's costume in my car. So we had to race home and back.

- Darcy ended up falling asleep about 30 seconds before we got to the school where her recital was, and she woke up really cranky. She screamed and cried when I went to leave her with her back stage babysitters. 

- I wanted to try to have the house at least a little bit in order when Drew got home so I was determined to do some wild cleaning on Saturday morning before Darcy's second performance. While I was cleaning Darcy got out her craft bin. I told her very specifically that this was not the time to play with the glitter. I left the room for two minutes. I came back. There was glitter everywhere! We spent a couple hours cleaning up glitter with Darcy crying that it was too hard the whole time.

- Right after the glitter fiasco Ezra got some gooey silly putty kind of stuff that Darcy got as her prize from the dentist (it is now in the garbage) in the carpet.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Oh Lindsey!!! My goodness. What a crazy week. I am so sorry friend. I'm glad Drew is back and maybe you can have some drama free times ahead. Wish I was there to be your friend and help you out! Miss you tons.