Monday, August 31, 2015

Annual Camping Trip

With lots of bouncing around by us to nail down a weekend that would work, we finally got in our annual camping trip with the Duffins. We realized late in the morning on a Friday that that weekend was the one that would work best, so we threw ourselves together right away and headed out. The weather was pretty nice that first evening, but as it got later the wind started to pick up. It ended up being such a windy night, and it was hard to sleep because of all the noise from the wind. We were worried that we wouldn't get any boating in that Saturday, but miraculously the wind settled down a couple hours after we woke up. It ended up being a really nice, fun day on the water.

 Parks was not a fan of the temperature of the water. I am very familiar with that feeling.

 I love boating in the evening. I love the beautiful light from the sunset on the water.

 I think Allison was missing her binky, and Parks was still trying to recover from the shock of the cold water.

 We went and ate breakfast at the park across the street. The boys chose the yellow boat.

 The girls went for purple.

 It started out so well for these girls on the tube...

 ...but it ended badly. :)

 Ezra was so happy to have Drew take a tube ride with him.

 The boys had a nice long turn.

 Parks and Allison had their first tube ride with their mamas. Parks seemed to have fun, and Allison fell asleep!

 The water level was up, so our favorite little island was under water. The kids wanted to go play on the shore in the sand, but we couldn't get the boat close enough. Andrew kindly volunteered to swim over there with these four in tow.

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