Monday, August 31, 2015

Summer Soccer

 We decided to give soccer another go this summer. Originally it was just going to be Ezra, but with the excitement of Ezra playing Darcy decided she wanted to play again too. I was nervous about that, but she ended up doing really well. She had some nervous moments the first few games. She was finally able to identify that she felt like crying but didn't know why and we helped her figure out that she was just nervous and that once she started playing it was ok. She even started playing a couple times crying, but just kept going until she started feeling better. I was really proud of her.

Ezra kind of surprised us in the opposite way. He started out really excited, and did so awesome his first game. He was going for the ball and having fun out there with his friends, and he even scored a goal! We were pretty excited, but that was short lived. His second game her started off that same way until he got knocked over by another kid. He started crying and came out of the game, and that was pretty much the end of his soccer season. We went to every game and tried everything we could think of to get him to play, but nothing could persuade him. I don't know if we'll try again with him next year. We'll see I guess.
I didn't care to pay for soccer pictures. These pictures make me laugh at my attempt to have a photo shoot like the pros. Up against the house with our little soccer goals is really authentic I think. :)

 These pictures of Ezra are from his first game. This was him going in to score that goal.

 Having fun with his three little buddies on his team during a break

 Darcy always wanted to be the goalie, and loved when it was her turn.

 She tends to be more timid, but she would get in there every once in a while which was always exciting. We were happy to have her happily running around the field. :)

 Drew helped coach her team this year, and Darcy thought that was pretty cool.

This was after the last game of the season. They started out with more players, but little by little their teams dwindled down to these five girls and one boy.

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