Monday, May 11, 2009


What we thought was going to be a one hour trip turned into more like a three hour trip, and what seemed like a beautiful day actually ended up being a very windy day. Despite the set-backs we decided, when we got home, that it had really been a good thing after all. This is a beach on the coast of New Jersey. We went with a big group of our friends. The guys played a little game of football and the girls stood there and fun!! :) There was a small theme park right on the beach that reminded me of Ruby Pier from the book The Seven People You Meet in Heaven. It really was fun to just get out and see something new.
Drew and I with the theme park and water in the background.
Brave right!? We had Jamie take our picture and then she had me do a little pregnancy modeling. It was just too hard to take it seriously.
Here is Drew catching the winning T.D. pass!!


Miss Crys said...

Look at you in that cute aqua and it! What a pretty pregnant woman you are :)

Jennes said...

Hey, I was going to ask to see a little belly update. So this is cute. I do love the sundress. Nice pictures. Love the sunglasses!

Caralee and Jon said...

First off, you are so cute pregnant! 2nd love the dress! It looks beautiful there! I kinda wish Utah had a beach!

Sharee said...

You look great Lindsey! I love the dress-so cute! Looks like you and Drew will have an awesome time exploring where you live. I bet there is a ton to do there. The prego pose is cute btw.

Laura Howe said...

You are looking very nice in the pregnancy. And very stylish. Dresses are so nice in the summer, Stock up! and stock up on shoes, you can wear them when you aren't prego too.

JaMie said...

HOw can you not love that pict of you and Baby! :) You are so cute!!!

Kristen and Alex said... have a GREAT pregnancy belly! Thank you for the cute pictures. We really miss having you and Drew around and when I am in the office, I miss talking to you and seeing your smiling face. I can't believe you only have 12 weeks left! That is so exciting! I can't wait to see what the little GIRL looks like!!!

The Tripp's said...

Hey I'm so glad you have a blog! I'm not a stalker I saw you on Tiff's. :) I'm glad your out here, we will have fun this summer.

Sam said...

I love, love, love the picture of you on the beach. You are adorable! I'm so happy for you and Drew.