I don't want to complain but it always makes me feel better to write about something and get it off my chest. I am just having the hardest time at the moment. Darcy is supposed to be sleeping through the night at this point right?! Instead, she has gone the opposite direction. She slept through the night a couple miraculous times around a month ago. Before we came home to Washington she had started waking up once around 2 just to cry and then again around 4 to eat. Since we've been home things have gone very sour. It has gotten worse and worse every night until last night she woke up every hour. My brain is so fried. I struggle to carry on a conversation. I forget names. I forget what I'm doing. I feel like crying all day long and even more at night when she's screaming and my body wants to sleep. I do not know what I'm doing. The guessing game is killing me. I keep hearing about a million different things to try, but don't know which thing to try next. I never was into letting her cry it out, but I think that might be the next step. My sister-in-law Sharee has been telling me about the book Baby Wise which I think I will be reading as soon as possible.
We actually gave Darcy rice cereal tonight and I'm hoping maybe her belly is really full and it will help her sleep. She did really well and kept attacking the spoon. I think she liked it. I just love watching her catch on to something new. She rolled over two days after her 4 month birthday, but then took a break. She is pretty consistently rolling from her back to her belly.
We are loving being with our family in Washington. It's so hard because there are so many people we want to see while we're here and it's hard to fit it all in. It is depressing to see what our little town is becoming though. Gangs are taking over in town. A couple days after we got here 3 people were murdered. Scary! Can't we just get rid of those crazy people.
Anyway, I'm tired so I'm going to bed now. I love posts where people give me advice, so if you have any tricks to help babies sleep I would love to hear them. I hope everyone is enjoying this Christmas season!
I am so sorry Lindsay, it is just hard when they are not at home in their bed. If it makes you feel better my baby, who is 6 months, was sleeping through the night great but has been waking up at night too. Babies are just hard and unpredictable. Sorry I have no advice.
I understand exactly how you feel. It is miserable! Colton didn't sleep through the night until he was probably 7-8 months old. Yeah, not cool! I remember feeling just like a zombie. Hope you can figure out something to help her sleep longer.
Hey Linz,
Read baby wise. That is my advice. It maybe hard to read and implement it but when you are totally warn out you just need to do it for their well being as well as yours as parents.
Hope you guys are doing well beside the no sleep part.
Miss you guys!
Sorry to hear that you are not getting your sleep. It's nice that you have a lot of hands to help with Darcy. I love that about visiting family. I have a few bits of advice that might work for you if you aren't doing them already - our kids are pretty good sleepers even while we are away.
1. Give Darcy something (certain blanket or small soft object) every time she is supposed to go to sleep. We use those little animals with the silky blanket bodies (I think blankets get dragged around and get dirty and are bigger to lug around). So even when we are away they have their little comfort object that they are familiar with.
2. Don't let her fall asleep eating. Make sure she falls asleep on her own without you there.
3. If she's not hungry, wet, or sick then let her cry herself to sleep. This one is so hard, but someone told me to do that right from the beginning and it was SO hard at first, but then they learn to sleep without crying after awhile. They just have to work it out themselves sometimes. (Don't hate me for suggesting this one)
These are just some of the things that worked for us. Maybe one of them will help. Have fun in WA with your fam and have a Merry Christmas!
I think you are good at being a mom. I believe in baby wise. It has worked for my girls. And good thinking on the cereal. Those are my suggestions but you already got those one. Milas is reptty mad he didn't get to see you guys while he was in Pittsburg. Someday we'll be friends again. :)
Hi! It was fun to see you over Christmas. Good luck with your little one. It can be tricky sometimes. When they are teething or sick sometimes they just need mom :) Though it can make it hard to function on little sleep. I could never let them cry themselves to sleep, I figure they will only want me holding them and snuggling them for so long I don't want to waste that. Besides it helps them to feel secure and loved. Anyways.. not that you asked... Good luck! I am amazed that moms and kids survive sometimes! :) My poor first baby- I was cluless half the time! Now with baby #2 I am only cluless 1/4th of the time :).
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