Back to the party. I debated between the ladybug theme (so cute) and a pink polka dot theme. For some reason the pink polka dots were just calling to me (not to mention the fact that decorating a cake with pink polka dots is much easier than a ladybug)so I went with that. I loved how it turned out!
Our friends Rich and Brittany, Linwood and Brooke, and Arie and Abi along with their baby Evelyn came for the festivities. It was so much fun to have them. They were all such great sports! Rich and Brittany have a big fancy camera and I asked them if they would bring it and take pictures and they were the best photographers ever. They were serious about their job! :) Unfortunately I didn't get the pictures from them yesterday so I only have a few pictures I took with my camera for today. I know the grandparents were anxious to see pictures so I am posting what I have for now, and I will post more when I get the other pictures from Rich and Brittany.
We L.O.V.E. our little one year old!
Things we want to remember about Darcy's twelfth month:
- 22 lbs 30 1/4 inches. Finally legal to be in her forward facing car seat, and she is loving it!! Car rides are so much better now.
- Her nap schedule is a little crazy right now. She still takes her two naps most of the time, but if she takes two they are not as long. Sometimes she just takes one longer nap in the middle of the day.
- She took her first steps between Drew and me this past Monday! She still definitely prefers crawling, but she's getting there.
- She is finally starting to be more willing to let other people hold her. She definitely prefers women to men. She especially loves Brittany and Brooke (the women she has been around the most besides me)!
- She loves balls! She got a few new balls for her birthday and she takes them everywhere. Rich and Brittany got her a giant tennis ball and the look on her face when she saw it was priceless! She likes to take a ball to the top of the stairs and throw it down and have us throw it back up to her over and over and over.
- She loves when we make animal noises and tries to duplicate them.
- She loves dancing to music. She has a few toys that make music and she loves to turn them on and dance. If I turn the music on in the car she dances while we drive. I love watching her in the rear view mirror. Latest dance move - flopping around while she does a waving motion with both hands. She is good!