This past week Drew had to work in Rochester, NY, and Darcy and I decided to tag along. We got to stay in the hotel and eat mostly for free so it was awesome. We stayed in a pretty fancy hotel actually. There was a pool that went from indoor to outdoor that we got to spend some time in and best of all...there was a TV!! HA! It is a little ridiculous I know, but I haven't had TV for a long time now, and it was so awesome to have something to watch on HGTV or TLC whenever I wanted! Darcy gave me lots of good breaks because she was busy checking the new place out. She is seriously a busy girl!! There was a big mall and other stores really close to us so we spent some time shopping. For the most part it was really a nice relaxing trip.
The last night we were there we drove 20 minutes away to the Hill Cumorah Pageant. It rained a ton before the pageant started so everyone was decked out with ponchos and umbrellas, and just a little into the show the rain stopped. We talked to an usher that said it happens like that all the time. A modern miracle I guess. :) We were completely in awe when we drove up and saw this massive structure they have for the stage just out in the middle of farm land. It was really impressive. The show was awesome! Everyone should go. I highly recommend plastering yourself with mosquito repellent before you go though. We got eaten alive!!
We also got to do a little touring in Palmyra. We went and saw the home Joseph Smith and his family lived in and the sacred grove right behind the house. I wish I could say it was a really touching or spiritual experience, but Darcy was tired and really fussy so we rushed through it all and didn't get to stop and think like we would have liked to. It was cool to be able to go see it though. So many little (and big) miracles happened in that place.
The other thing we got to see there was the place the Book of Mormon was first printed. So much tedious work went into making those books. I am so grateful for the people that put in their time and money to spread the gospel through the Book of Mormon.
The last thing we did was stop at Niagara Falls on the way home. We loved it there!! Truthfully I wasn't that excited to go, but when we got there I was just so amazed at the size of it, and I loved going down next to the falls and getting splashed by the water, and just feeling the mist from it even when we were farther away. We ate lunch at a restaurant right next to the falls too, which was fun.

When we first got there I put Darcy on the bed and she was really excited. Then I changed her diaper and she escaped diaperless. She seemed so proud of herself and I thought she looked so cute surrounded by all the pillows on the big bed, so I went to grab my camera to take this picture. Unfortunately while I was taking the picture she peed on the bed! No good. Luckily, for the first time, I didn't have to clean it up though. :) Those poor house keeping ladies.

Darcy fell asleep on our bed and I took a nap with her. I always want to cuddle with her in my bed for a nap but don't want to get her in the habit of sleeping with us. I thought it was ok to break the rule on vacation though, and I loved it!

The original Smith family home. (Taken from the road in a drive-by) It was so tiny inside. I was shocked at the size of the parents' bed. It was just a sliver of our king size bed! :) In the background is the sacred grove.

Joseph's older brother Alvin built this second home that the family eventually moved into.

At the Palmyra bookstore where the Book of Mormon was printed.

In front of the printing press.

A Book of Mormon in the process of being put together.

The three of us at the Hill Cumorah pageant. The stage was in the background, but it was too dark with the flash.

This is what Darcy did most of the show. It was kind of awkward to hold her while she slept because we were covered in plastic, holding umbrellas, and trying to scratch our legs and feet where the mosquitoes were biting us.

This was the tree of life.

This was the part when Nephi built the ship and crossed the sea with his family.

This is the stage. Isn't it crazy how big it is?! There are so many people that come from all over to be a part of it.

The three of us at the top of the Niagara Falls. It was so beautiful and such a nice day!

Darcy and I at the top with our shades on. I just got hers and they are so funny because they are so huge!

Down at the base of the falls. You take an elevator ride to the bottom and then walk all around on these platforms. We walked up really close and got wet. We worried Darcy would get scared, but she didn't really even notice.

Another picture at the base of the falls.

Drew in front of the statue of Nikola Tesla, his hero!

Darcy did a lot of playing in the front seat of the pickup while we waited out the rain or just to have a break from her car seat. She thinks it's a party in the front seat! She crawls all around and bangs on the windows and talks like crazy.
1 comment:
Looks like fun! We are heading up there tomorrow! Can't wait!
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