Neil and Becky just left this morning and we are so sad to have them go. It was so much fun to spend this past week with them. It was so nice for me to have their extra hands to help with Darcy, and I loved watching them interact with her. We will all miss them!
We started our touring in Williamsburg, VA where we got to learn about some early American history. Then we went to Yorktown, VA where we learned about the Revolutionary War. Unfortunately I forgot my camera at home, Neil forgot his at the hotel, and Becky had her's but it ran out of battery so we have no pictures of our first day. Sad. :( The next day we went to Jamestown and Busch Gardens. The next day we started driving home. Along the way we crossed the Chesapeake Bay bridge-tunnel and stopped in York, PA for the night. The next morning Drew and his parents went and toured the Harley factory and then we headed home.

Outside the settlers camp in Jamestown. I just thought the whole Jamestown thing was so awesome. I tend to get kind of confused and lost when we're talking and learning about the wars, but I had the Pocahontas Disney movie in my head to keep me straight (even though there were definitely some details that were a little off).

Drew ready for a battle in his armor. We laughed so hard at this picture.

Outside one of the settlers homes.

In a canoe carved out of a tree trunk.

On one of the ships.

Outside an indian hut.

I was so into this awesome fountain outside the Jamestown visitors center and I just had to have a picture!

We went to Busch Gardens and ate some good food and rode on some fun rides. This was a little kid ride that Drew and I took Darcy on. She had this little grin on her face the whole time.

We watched some of the sesame street characters sing and dance for a little while.

Neil and Becky on the gondola ride (I'm not really sure that's what it was called, but I'm going with that.).

Darcy and I on the gondola ride.

Drew went on this absolutely crazy roller-coaster. It stopped at the top for a second and then dropped straight down and it did it two different times! I feel bad that Drew is such a dare-devil and I am the opposite. I promised I would ride on one roller-coaster with him and I ended up riding on two! So I think I get some huge gold stars for my wife duties chart. :) His dad went on one with him too, but neither of us were interested in this crazy one, so he braved it alone.

We took Darcy on a ride on the carousel. She cried because she wanted to come over to me, but I guess it was worth a try.

When we left the Williamsburg/Jamestown area we had to go drive across the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel that is one of the seven architectural engineering wonders of the world. It was 23 miles long. You start out on a bridge then go down in a tunnel, up on a bridge again, down in a tunnel, and then up on a bridge again. It was so long. You can see in this picture how you can't even see the land in the distance.

We stopped in Baltimore on our way home. While we were waiting for our tour Darcy got a chance to get soaked in this fountain with a bunch of other little kids. She absolutely loved it. I think she would have stayed in there all day if I had let her.

In Baltimore we went on a tour of the harbor on a speed boat. I love boats and I love going fast so it was a great combination for me. Drew got really soaked because he was right by the edge so I don't know if he was as excited about it. :) The Baltimore harbor is where Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner and we got to see exactly where he was compared to the flag on the shore.

Coming off the boat.

Darcy with Neil before church. She wore the skirt she got from Neil and Becky for her birthday so we had to get a picture!
SO cute!!! i love the picture of you guys all in the canoe. and my favorite is darcy playing in the fountain. looks like you guys had so much fun. can't wait to hear more about it!
I love it when family comes! Looks like there is so much to do and see near you! You look amazing! Hope you are doing great!!
I'm totally jealous, you guys are always seeing the sights. it's so cool! Darcy is looking mighty cute as usual. I love her age, it is my fav.
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