My older sister Haley brought Darcy her birthday present and I am totally in awe of all the work she put into it. She made her a quiet book for church and it is absolutely amazing!! I am totally in love with it...oh and Darcy is too. :) I'm having a hard time letting Darcy play with it because I just can't stand the thought of it being ruined. Thank you soo much Haley!
The main reason my family chose this particular week to come was so we could all go to Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally in Washington DC on 8-28. It was amazing how many people were there! I just looked up how many people were there and I found an estimate of 300,000 but I'm pretty sure Glenn Beck said there were over 500,000 people there. Either way, it was a lot. It was so awesome to be a part of that sea of people all there to take a stand. We thought Glenn Beck did a really great job of bringing people of so many different religions and backgrounds together. I actually kind of thought it might be a huge majority of Mormons, but it really wasn't at all. I feel so strongly about standing up for what you believe in, and I am so happy I got to go be a part of something as major as that. I am proud to be an American. I am so grateful for our Founding Fathers who were men of faith and honor and for the freedoms we enjoy in this country. I pray that we can restore honor to our government and remain a free people.
That's awesome that you guys got to go to the rally in D.C. and that book Haley made is FANTASTIC! I need one of those for my kids.
I am so excited that you got to attend the rally! Your family's are both wonderful examples of living American values and having honor.
(Haley's book is adorable by the way!! Super jealous. haha.)
Adorable quiet book! Good job Haley! My Mom made me one for my kids and we use it ALL the time. Other kids want to play with it too.
Your family is awesome to come out and visit you and go to that rally. Cute shirts too.
That is awesome that you got to go to the rally! i totally wanted to go! Maybe we can see you guys in a few weeks! My number is 801-734-0839 give me a call sometime and we can plan something. We'll be there the 16-24 of Sep. I am also working on a quiet book and that totally gave me ideas! So cute!!
well I think Haley needs to make me one now. Love the shirts!!
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