I know there are at least two people who check here often for Darcy updates. Not much has been going on around here, but I thought I would post a couple pictures from this week.
We are moving to Washington on December 10th and I am getting SO excited. This last month is going really slow. I feel like I should be doing something to get ready to go, but Drew's company is going to move us so they're doing everything (which is so nice)!There really are a lot of people we are going to miss from Pittsburgh, in fact I try not to think about that too much or I feel like crying, but I just can't help feeling so excited to be so close to our families!! We won't have to miss birthdays, or baptisms, or missionary farewells and homecomings, or reunions, or holidays, or anything else like that. It's going to be awesome!
P.S. We would like to extend an invitation for all of our friends and extended family to come join us in the great state of Washington (preferably in the Tri-Cities area)!! Washington is the best! :)

Darcy's hair is at a weird stage right now. It kind of looks a little bit like a mullet, but I'm waiting until we get to Washington to have Haley cut it for the first time. The other day I wore my hair curly and I decided to do hers the same. It looked so cute on her! It was really hard to get a picture of her, because now she thinks she should hold the camera for some reason. Here she is in the toy box, her new favorite hang-out.

Just another picture of the curly girlie. (I thought of that myself. Pretty good huh!)

Darcy loves necklaces these days. She plays with them a lot. She usually wears them around her neck, but this morning she held one in each hand and walked around the house letting them drag along the floor. She loved the sound they made. It kept her busy for quite a while, until I took out the camera, and she decided she wanted that instead.
She is so cute! We can't wait to have you close by! That is AWESOME that the company is moving you! That will make life so much easier.
December 10th will come faster than you think! :)
We're close to Washington!...buuuut you'll have to do some convincing Seth's directions if you want us there. Darcy is getting so big...these kiddos grow way too fast.
We are going to miss you guys! Seriously, it's sad. But we are so glad you got the dream job you wanted :) We want to have you over before you leave after Thanksgiving. So keep a little space open for us and we will plan something. I'll talk to Steve.
My kids are sitting next to me right now and they are loving these Darcy pictures. She's on their favorite list for sure.
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