Drew got to be home with us for Ezra's first week and it was the best thing ever! He was SO much help and we had so much fun together. I had withdrawals yesterday when he went back to work and I had to figure things out at home by myself with two kiddos. He is the best husband and dad around! I thought I would post a picture of him with each of the little ones (I have a hard time with the word "kids". It just sounds so weird to me.). I am so glad Ezra has Drew to look to for an example of a great man.

Drew with Ezra

Drew just sent me this picture from his phone and I wanted to use it. I love it.

I turned 26 on the 19th. I really am not a big fan of getting older. It's scary to me. Maybe some day I can embrace it. My friend/family Kristen told me about this little bakery called Frost Me Sweet and I decided that's what I wanted for my birthday cake. This is such a lovely picture of me right? Thanks for the suggestion Kristen!

My "HAPPY CAKE!" I dove in a little early and Drew could only get a picture of four of the six yummy cupcakes. Man they were delicious! There was an Elvis cupcake that was chocolate with a banana cream filling, some kind of caramel cupcake that was my favorite, strawberry daquari, maple bacon, chocolate raspberry, and chocolate peanut butter. YUM!

This was my awesome birthday present! A phil&ted double jogging stroller. Drew found it for a steal on craigslist and I think it rocks! I am so excited to use it except it seems a little too intense for me. I think I actually have to become a runner to use such a fancy jogging stroller. :) We took this picture on my birthday which is only six days after I had Ezra and let me tell you...I do not recommend running that soon after having a baby! Whew! I only ran a few steps back and forth for the picture, but it just wasn't worth it. :)
I actually ruined the surprise because I found the stroller in the closet in the office upstairs a few days before my birthday. My sewing machine was in there and I went to get it. Drew assumed I would never get in there. He was so sad that he didn't surprise me and I felt bad, but I still love it.

I really felt like I had the perfect relaxed birthday. I woke up to Drew and Darcy trying to quietly make me a birthday card. I love things like that. Then while Ezra was still sleeping I went outside and watched Drew and Darcy ride bikes together. Darcy loved that Drew was riding with her and honestly something that makes her so happy makes me so happy too.

I told Drew to do some tricks and he delivered! Look at that air!

Darcy riding her trike in her PJ's. We thought it was going to take her a while to figure out how to ride this thing when we got it for her for her birthday, but it really only took a couple days and now she's a pro.

Sweet girl

My next request was to take Darcy to the splash pad for the first time. I think a splash pad is a great idea! She thought it was so fun and we had fun watching her. She loved the slides. Her tongue is kind of sticking out in this picture. She takes her sport seriously like Michael Jordan I guess.

She decided it was proper form to put your foot on the football while playing in the water.

A picture of the splash pad. This place is cool!

It took her a minute to decide she was ok with the water spraying on her head.
A couple Darcy facts:
-She LOVES Ezra. A little too much. I am struggling with knowing when to let her attack him with kisses and hugs and tickles and loud songs and when to let him have his space. Hopefully we figure that one out soon.
- There are a few things she says these days that crack us up:
- Happy Cake! This is what she calls birthday cake and we have adopted that term.
- She uses the "sh" sound instead of the "s" sound at the beginning of words. She says, "shocka ball" for soccer ball, "shucka" for sucker, "shircle" for circle, "shycle" for motorcycle.
-She says "Yes!" when she is excited about something like when we get to the park she say, "Oh park! Yes!" Cracks me up every time.

I had a little photo shoot with Ezra a few days after he was born. I really would love to take Darcy and Ezra to a professional photographer but I am just too cheap. Why does it have to be so expensive?! Some day I will though. These pictures weren't that awesome in color but I thought they were pretty cute in black and white. He is one handsome little man!

He has been such a great sleeper and I am so grateful for that. I really expected to be totally exhausted at this point, but so far I really am feeling pretty rested. From the very beginning he seemed to know when it was night. LUCKY.
Such cute pictures! Ezra is such a handsome little man! I love Phil&Ted too...good choice Drew!
He is soooo cute! And Happy birthday late! It seems like you are doing fabulous after just having had a baby! Lucky you! I guess that is the advantage of not having a c-section! I am always down for atleast a month! Yeah for your cute little family!
Those pictures are too precious! You are an amazing photographer yourself so you don't need to go to anyone expensive. You amaze me! You have an adorable family and I'm so glad you live close!
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