Friday, January 13, 2012

5 Months!

I just realized I didn't do a four month post for Ezra. I really don't know how I missed that!

Some things we want to remember about Ezra's fifth month:

- 17 lbs. 27 inches. Everyone always guesses he is older than he is because he's a big boy.

- We cheated and started feeding him rice cereal a few days ago. So far so good.

- He goes to bed around 8 o'clock, eats around five, then goes back to sleep until around 7:30.

- He loves Darcy. When she comes around he watches her intently and smiles so big at her. She loves him back.

- He is such a smiley little guy and we love that of course.

- We realized around three months that he wasn't turning his head to the right. So we have been taking him to physical therapy for torticollis and he is almost completely better. He made huge improvements really quickly. We also found out he has cradle cap and exzema. We had some rough moments with those things but after about a million doctors appointments for all these things, I think we are getting it all under control.

- He is ALWAYS scratching himself. I do not like that at all. He always has cuts on his face from scratching himself at night. I try to keep his nails clipped and always put mittens on his hands when he sleeps but he manages to get them off and clipped nails or not, he still cuts himself.

- One day around four months I decided to try giving him a binky again and he decided to take it. He had been crying it out every time I put him to bed, so it has been so great that suddenly he is taking the binky and going to sleep without crying.

- He loves to chew and suck on his own hands and on our hands too.

We love our boy!

He is the sweetest little guy!

Hanging out on the couch.

This is from when he first started taking a binky. If you look close you can see some of the good scratches on his forehead too.

While I was writing this post Darcy was playing with Ezra. He started gnawing on her hand and she was laughing so hard about it, which made him smile so big. It was pretty cute!

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