Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christmas with the Jenne's

We spent late Christmas Eve and early Christmas morning with my family this year. It was delightful!

Santa brought Darcy a new bike this year (You can tell Santa is a boy based on his bike choice for the little girl.) :) He also brought her a backpack like Dora's. When Darcy walked into the living room and saw that backpack she clapped her hands together and did this crazy fist pump thing that cracked me right up!

Ezra got this little play mat and he was kicking like crazy and loving it and then we realized that he was falling asleep. I guess going to bed around midnight and getting up at six to open presents was too much for him. :)

Ashley "the organizer" set all her loot out in this display for her picture.

My Grandma Jensen sent these hats she made for Darcy and Ezra.

Brian's parents were here for Christmas all the way from Florida and they really came out on top with all these adorable pictures of baby Matthew.

I just thought this was such a cute picture of Haley with all her goods.

Darcy sitting in her pile playing her harmonica she found in her stocking.

Not your average Christmas picture. Nick came away from this Christmas armed and dangerous. Ready for the gangs of Mattawa.

Brian, Haley, and Matthew got some diapers and Scattergories. (The diapers were really just for Matthew.)

If you're a Pinterest-er you probably know about the big measuring stick for marking your kids heights over the years. My mom looked at my Pinterest account and Ashley, my dad, my mom, and Haley put it all together for us. I love it! (Darcy doesn't look quite as pleased, but at least now we know she is 3 ft 1 in)

Where does she get these crazy expressions?? (With our new nativity Ashley and my mom made us.)

Emily with her new IPod Nano (or something like that).

My Grandma and Grandpa Jenne opening their presents. My Grandpa is still wearing part of his shepherd's costume from the Nativity performance that we missed this year. If you look closely you will see that my Grandpa is using a knife to open his. It is his trademark to open presents carefully to preserve the wrapping paper.