Sunday, November 25, 2012

Learning, Climbing, Playing

I miss summer!! We have been desperately working on finding things to do inside this fall/winter and here are a few of the things we have come up with.

 I decided to do a letter a week with Darcy to help her really learn her alphabet. It has been more like a letter every other week though so far. 

 I bought some glitter a while ago for a little project for the kids, but they weren't the ones who actually used the glitter then. One day Darcy saw it and was pleading with me to use it. I honestly have a hard time with messes, so I had to fight my inner voice shouting "NO WAY" and decided to let her her try it. I had her draw pictures with glue and then sprinkle the glitter on and then dump it off into a bowl. At first she was doing a really good job and I was amazed. After a while I just let her do whatever she wanted and it got everywhere, but really the mess wasn't so bad to clean up and she really loved it. So I guess it was worth it.

 This picture doesn't show all the tiny glitter specks all over as well as I had hoped.

 The other day I walked into my bathroom and was very surprised to find this! Ezra really loves to climb these days. He pushes things around to get up where he wants to be, and if we take him down he will just do it again and again and again and again!

A couple weeks ago I had to go to the dentist and my mom and Haley came to watch my kiddos. Haley took this picture out the screen door of my mom having a tea party with Darcy and Ezra. Darcy would have a tea party all day every day if she could.

Darcy is also really into building with blocks. Ezra is into destroying everything we build. :) So one day while Ezra was taking a nap Darcy and I took advantage and built the tallest tower we could. (Disclaimer: She put her outfit together that day. Haha.)

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