I'm afraid there will be lots of posts like this considering how
accident prone Ezra seems to be. His last couple episodes have felt pretty significant and were close together, and I wanted to document them.
Two Monday's ago we had oatmeal for breakfast. We always put rice milk in Ezra's oatmeal and the rest of us use regular milk. We had all finished our breakfast and I cleaned up breakfast except for Darcy's bowl. She had barely touched her food and I thought she might decide she was hungry a couple minutes later. So I left it sitting on the table. A little while later I was getting ready in my bathroom and Darcy came in alarmed, telling me Ezra was eating her oatmeal. I rushed into the kitchen and sure enough, there he was chowing down. He immediately started having a reaction. I could hear his breathing getting bad, so I quickly gave him some benadryl, which he quickly threw up. He threw up over and over and over again. His breathing was getting worse and worse and I was trying to give him some more benadryl, but he was fighting it and he started running crazy through the house. He finally stopped running, but he was crying so hard until he tried to scream/cry and nothing really came out. He started grabbing at his throat which was freaking me out so bad. I was crying and Darcy was crying too. I decided I just had to use the epi pen. I had said many times before that I would never be able to use that, but I knew I really had to right then. I grabbed it from my bag and proceeded to do my best to pin Ezra down with my body while getting the epi pen ready. I swung once, but just couldn't quite do it. I pumped myself up for a second more and swung and connected. You have to hold it in for ten seconds which is difficult in a wrestling match, but I managed. Almost immediately I could hear Ezra getting more air. I had taken Ezra's clothes off of him during the throwing up so I just wrapped him in his blanket, got a couple things ready and we headed to the ER. I called Drew on the way and he met us there. Really by the time we got to the hospital his breathing was so significantly better. They monitored him and gave him a combination of epinephrine and saline to breath in for a while. He was a pretty happy boy the whole time we were there. Darcy was pretty sad and worried when we first got there and the nurse was so great to encourage Darcy to be a helper. She had Darcy try to distract Ezra and talk to him while they hooked him up. Giving her a job helped her feel better.

This milk allergy is a real doosie!
The Sunday after the first episode Ezra was playing outside on his roller coaster right when we got home from church. The roller coaster is on our back patio and the back door was opened. I was right inside so I heard the intense crying immediately. I was scared to go out and see what had happened based on his history. I found him on his knees in the grass holding his head. He was facing me so I didn't notice anything at first. I picked him up and realized he wasn't letting go of his head, so I peaked around and saw the wound. It was a pretty good gash and I could see the meaty stuff under the skin. Yuck. There was some blood, but I was really surprised there wasn't a lot more. I called Drew and we all started getting ready to go again. Darcy started crying again too so I decided to call a friend to drop her off with. She was so excited to go play with her friend, and to not have to go to the doctor for another traumatic event. I was so grateful for my friend's willingness to have her over so last minute. We dropped Darcy off and Ezra cried for her, "Daaarcy, Daaarcy..." We decided to go to urgent care this time. We were the only ones there so we got in quickly. The nurse and doctor were so sweet and great with our little man. The doctor was the mom of a few little boys and she got her IPad and played her boys' favorite shows to distract Ezra. She numbed the area as much as she could and then quickly put the three staples in. We were in and out really quickly.
On our way to our friend's house we told Ezra we were going to get Darcy and he cheered about it. "Yay! Yay! Yay!" (With some fist pumping.) At one point we had to stop at a stop light and he started crying for Darcy again. I guess he didn't understand why we would be stopping when we hadn't gotten her yet. We thought it was so cute.
Basically a minute after the staples were in Ezra forgot the whole thing and has never worried about it since. Tomorrow I will go get the staples out and hopefully we can avoid another serious medical problem for a while.