Tuesday, December 9, 2014

8 Months!

 Parks is 8 months!

Some things we want to remember about Parks at 8 months:

- 19 lbs. (49%)

- He is loving his solids. He gets especially excited about finger foods he can feed himself.

- He is our first army crawler. I'm curious if he will eventually switch to crawling on his hands and knees, but in the mean time this army crawling thing is pretty darn cute! It is so fun to watch him using his new skills to get around.

- He sleeps from 8 at night until around 6:30 in the morning.

- We moved him to his crib in Ezra's room at night and it is going alright. They have only woken each other up a couple times and managed to go back to sleep.

- He loves to babble and scream happily. He is getting to be a noisy little guy which I love at home, but it's getting tricky at church.

- He seems to be so interested in everything Ezra is playing with. He loves it when we give him a car or plane to play with. It is pretty exciting for Ezra to think that he might have a playmate in the vehicle department soon.

- Drew has been giving him lots of practice standing up and holding onto things and he gets so excited about it.

- When I am holding him and he knows I am eating something he will put his mouth against mine like he is trying to eat whatever it is that is in my mouth.

- He is such a sweet, happy, darling baby!

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