Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Funny Talkin'

Darcy just came downstairs and informed me that she and Ezra had helped themselves to the chocolate chips and that Ezra had just spilled them in her room. I called up to Ezra that he needed to clean up upstairs. He came to the top of the stairs and called back to me, "Clean up upstairs?! That's funny mom. That's funny talkin'." I am still laughing about it. Apparently it was pretty funny to think he might clean up his mess.

He has been doing lots of "funny talkin'" himself lately, and I wanted to record a few more of his funny sayings.

- He has picked up (I think from his cousin Matthew) on the phrase "No problem" and has used it a few different times. The other day he and Darcy were playing a game. After Ezra got done with his turn Darcy told him "good job" and he responded "No problem." Darcy and I both cracked up about it.

- A couple weeks ago we were driving home and from the back seat Ezra announced, "I just saw Mom's FroYo!" The frozen yogurt shop MyFroYo is near our house and we have been there a few times because it is the only "ice cream" place we can go that has something that is safe for Ezra. I guess I have been the one to suggest going in the past. :) Not long ago Darcy was saying the same thing. Such a confusing name for a little kid.

- The other night Drew told me about this and it keeps making me laugh when I think about it. Every night when Drew puts Ezra to bed he sings him a song before he leaves the room. Most of the time Drew is happy to do it and he smiles while he sings without thinking really. The last little while Ezra has been a real bear to put to sleep though so it hasn't been much of a happy singing time for Drew. So Ezra has started telling Drew to "Smile!!" if he isn't already doing that. And a couple different times Drew has gotten through the whole song and Ezra has said, "You didn't smile dad." Obviously he prefers a happier singer.

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