Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentines Sap

I try not to get tooo sappy on here, but every once in a while I just can't help myself. With this Valentine's Day coming on I have been thinking a lot about my main man and what an incredibly lucky girl I am to have snagged him.

Drew is a really amazing husband. I hope my boys will watch him closely and become husbands just like him some day. I wanted to jot down just a few ways that he shows me he loves me that might not be the normal fluffy things we think of, but they make me feel like a million bucks.

1. He really gets into the things I'm into. I wrote a small children's book a while ago. No one is a bigger fan than Drew. He is trying desperately to convince me to get it published. I studied dance in college and love dance. He has learned to appreciate and love it too because he knows I love it. He thinks I am an amazing dancer. (I am truly mediocre at best.) I love volleyball, so he has gotten into it. He has encouraged me to go play on a city team, and says how much he would love to come watch.

2. If our arms aren't loaded with kids and kid things, he still grabs my hand.

3. He listens to me. I talk. Kind of a lot. I used to hear about stay-at-home moms talking their husbands' ear off when they got home from work because they had spent their day with little ones. I used to think that was silly. Well that is totally me! I tell him about significant things that are happening, and lots of insignificant things that are happening. Sometimes just after I've told him a story I realize it really wasn't worth telling, but you would never know it based on his reaction. He happily listens to all my ramblings (if they are happy ramblings that is) and has told me many times that he really believes we are supposed to tell each other everything. Significant and insignificant. Since I like to talk, I am really glad he feels that way.  

4. He isn't embarrassed of me...even when I act like a fool. I am embarrassed for myself often enough that it really means a lot to me that I don't have to worry about embarrassing him too. This might seem like a joke, but I am really serious about this one!

5. He wants me to be with him. If Drew is going to play some kind of sport where it would be possible for me to be there, he always wants me to come too. And he wants me to play. It's not just a courtesy invite. Even if I protest, he gives me a hard time until I agree to come. We have played on lots of softball, volleyball, dodgeball, raquetball, and tennis teams together because he has wanted me there with him which I think is really so sweet. If he has a work party, he wants me to come. If he is going boating, snowboarding, snowmobiling, etc., he wants me to come. If he's taking the kids for a bike ride, he wants me to come along too. Riding a rollercoaster? "Just come on. It will be so fun!" Jumping on the trampoline? "Lindsey get out here! Do some tricks!" :) The list goes on and on. After all these years, I am so happy I am still his favorite buddy. :)

Sometimes I can't help but believe that we were really meant to be. I'm pretty sure we must have worked out a plan in heaven before we were born to make sure we found each other here. We did a good a job! :) I love you Drew. Happy Valentine's Day!

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