Tuesday, February 10, 2015

10 Months!

For some reason the ten month mark freaks me out a big. I just can't believe how close he is to being a year old!

Some things we want to remember about Parks at ten months:

- 20.4 lbs. When I weighed him I was thinking, "Wow he's a big boy." Then I plugged his weight into a baby percentile calculator and it said he is in the 29th percentile for weight. What? I thought that was a high. One month he's high the next he's low.
- He is a good sleeper. He generally sleeps until around 7:00 in the morning which is sleeping in around our house, so I'll take it. He is taking two naps now.
- He is crawling on all fours now, but reverts back to the army crawl here and there. I just think crawling is so cute!
- He pulls himself up on everything and walks along the furniture.
- He loves the stairs. He would spend all day going up and down if we let him. If he gets to the top and can make it into Darcy's room he is one happy camper. He loves all the little things to play with in there. He could stay upstairs for a long time.
- He is starting to say, "Ma ma ma" and "Da da da." He continues to squeal and babble all day long.
- He loves to be outside. I don't go outside much at all during the winter (I'm a big baby when it comes to the cold) but we have had a few nicer days in the past couple weeks that have pulled me out which means he gets to go out too. He thinks that is the biggest treat ever. Today I let him go crawl around and explore the backyard and he absolutely loved it, especially eating the dirt! :)
- He loves to eat almost anything we offer him. He only has two teeth at the moment which is sadly limiting what we can feed him, but I can feel that his top two teeth are about to come though. Yay!
 This month we had his photo shoot right after church.