Friday, June 12, 2015


Some random pictures from May.
 Darcy got a teepee from Santa a couple years ago. It doesn't get used very often because it takes up quite a bit of space. The other day I saw it in her room and decided to set it up. The kids loved it, and especially Parks thought it was so exciting. Even after the other kids were over it he kept going in there and just laying down in the middle of the blankets and pillows.

 These next couple pictures are some of my favorites of all time. I love to watch my kids use their imaginations and be creative. I can't think of a non-cheesy way to say it, but I just love how the beautiful brain of a little child works. One day Darcy realized a plastic grocery bag could make a great parachute. The kids had so much fun playing with those plastic bags on their backs. They even put one on Parks.

 We got to go watch Ashley play softball one day.

 Ezra hasn't really watched softball/baseball before and when we first got there he was so into it.

 Bath time

 We got to go to Mattawa for Raylee's 1st birthday. She and Parks were a little jealous of the big kids who got to play outside. :)

 This year might be the only time in her life that Darcy will ride the bus. She is transferring to another school next year where they don't have buses, so I decided to go take a couple pictures. Such cute little kindergarteners!!

Another picture I absolutely love of my kids using their imaginations. Ezra was a hero and Darcy was the queen.

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