Saturday, July 23, 2016

Parks is 2!

Parks turned two back in April and he was one happy little camper about a party just for him. We had a few family birthdays in the couple months before his birthday and he loved when we sang and the blowing out of the candles. He spotted a box of matches a couple weeks before his birthday and asked me to light one. I did and sang a quick version of Happy Birthday to him (he had a hard time waiting until I got to the end) and then he blew it out. We did that many times before his birthday so he was very ready for the real thing.

Some things we want to remember about Parks at 2:

- He is such a talker. He talks all day and comes up with some pretty impressive things for a two year old to say. I can see the wheels in his head turning as he's trying to think of a word he's heard us use, and then he's so proud when he comes up with it.

- He always wants to do whatever Darcy and Ezra are doing. He isn't afraid to try hardly anything if he sees one of them do it first.

- While Darcy and Ezra have always been a little more timid and stuck close to me in social situations, Parks is another story. He doesn't worry about where I am or what I'm doing (which makes my job of keeping track of him a little more challenging). He loves people and takes to new people quickly.

- He loves music and dancing, and he is such an awesome, hilarious dancer.

- He is our pickiest eater, but we have had some little victories with him in that department lately. He used to spit things out immediately when he tasted something new or different, but lately he has been giving things more of a chance and finding more food he likes.

 He got a new swimming suit and some sunglasses from Grandma Becky that he had to try on immediately.

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